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  • Oliver Elser, Michael Pieper,…

    Wohnmodelle. Experiment und Alltag

  • Beatrice von Bismarck, Therese Kaufmann…

    Nach Bourdieu. Visualität, Kunst und Politik

  • Nikolaj Miljutin

    Sozgorod. Faksimile der Erstausgabe von 1930

  • A. Deuber-Mankowsky, C. Holzhey, A.…

    Der Einsatz des Lebens

  • David J. Gibson

    The Wayfinding Handbook. Information Design for Public…

  • George E. Lewis

    A Power Stronger Than Itself. The AACM and American…

  • Nicholas Fox Weber

    Le Corbusier. A Life

  • Cesare Casarino, Antonio Negri

    In Praise of the Common. A Conversation on Philosophy and…

  • Dominikus Müller, Kito Nedo

    Das Beste aus 2007

  • R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, M. Hübner (Hg.)

    Tangible. High Touch Visuals

  • Gabu Heindl (Hg.)

    Arbeit Zeit Raum. Bilder und Bauten der Arbeit im…

  • Lina Dokuzovic, Eduard Freudmann, Peter…

    Intersections. At the Crossroads of the Production of…

  • Christiane Paul (Hg.)

    New Media in the White Cube and Beyond. Curatorial Models…

  • Hedi El Kholti, Paul Gellman (Hg.)

    Animal Shelter. Art, Sex & Literature, Issue 1

  • John C. Welchman (Hg.)

    Institutional Critique and After. SoCCAS Symposium Volume…

  • Guy Debord

    Correspondence. The Foundation of the Situationist…

  • Gabrielle Brainard, Rustam Mehta,…

    Perspecta 41. Grand Tour. The Yale Architectural Journal

  • Daniel Birnbaum, Anders Olsson

    As a Weasel Sucks Eggs. An Essay on Melancholy and…

  • Schoonderbeek, Geers, Patteeuw,…

    OASE 75. 25 years of critical Reflection on Architecture

  • Matteo Pasquinelli

    Animal Spirits. A Bestiary of the Commons

  • Anthony Vidler (Hg.)

    Architecture Between Spectacle and Use

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 332. How does graphic design CHANGE?

  • Bogh, Grunnet, Hansen, Henriksen,…

    SUM Nr. 5

  • Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz

    Normal Work

  • Jessica Morgan (Hg.)

    Th 2058. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

  • Jean-Luc Godard, Youssef Ishaghpour

    Archäologie des Kinos, Gedächtnis des Jahrhunderts

  • Arkitip No. 0048

    Ryan McGinness

  • Victor Papanek

    Design für die reale Welt. Anleitungen für eine humane…

  • Rahel Lämmler, Michael Wagner

    Ulrich Müther. Schalenbauten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Angela McRobbie

    The Aftermath of Feminism. Gender, Culture and Social Change

  • Y. Rainer, L. Berio, D. Kishik, J.-L.…

    Allesdurchdringung. Texte, Essays, Gespräche über den Tanz

  • Hilar Stadler, Martino Stierli

    Las Vegas Studio. Bilder aus dem Archiv von Robert Venturi…

  • David Crowley, Jane Pavitt (Hg.)

    Cold War Modern Design 1945-1970

  • Kate Fletcher

    Sustainable Fashion and Textiles. Design Journeys

  • J. Berg, T. Kaminer, M. Schoonderbeek,…

    Houses in Transformation. Interventions in European…

  • Max Dax

    Dreißig Gespräche

  • Jackson Tan (Hg.)

    Utterubbish. A Collection of Useless Ideas

  • Emma Pettit, Nadine Kathe Monem, Rita…

    Old, Rare, New. The Independent Record Shop

  • Kevin Olson (Hg.)

    Adding Insult to Injury. Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics.

  • Hengedeld, Strauven, Bloom (Hg.)

    Piet Blom. Monograph

  • Bruce Altshuler (Hg.)

    Salon to Biennial. Exhibitions that Made Art History. Vol. 1

  • Salar Abdoh

    Urban Iran

  • Bryan Bell, Katie Wakeford (Hg.)

    Expanding Architecture. Design as Activism

  • Martina Löw

    Soziologie der Städte

  • Kazys Varnelis (Hg.)

    The Infrastructural City. Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles

  • Steffen Sauerteig, Svend Smital, Kai…

    eBoy. Pixorama

  • Ilka & Andreas Ruby (Hg.)

    Urban Transformations

  • Jörg Schröder, Barbara Kalender

    Schröder erzählt

  • Diedrich Diederichsen

    On (Surplus) Value in Art. Reflections 01

  • Maria Lind, Hito Steyerl (Hg.)

    The Greenroom. Reconsidering the Documentary and…

  • Michael Fried

    Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before

  • Ava Bromberg (Hg.)

    Critical Planning. UCLA Urban Planning Journal Vol. 15

  • Aron Vinegar

    I Am a Monument. On Learning from Las Vegas

  • Christian Marazzi

    Capital and Language. From the New Economy to the War…

  • Ralph Heidenreich, Stefan Heidenreich

    Mehr Geld

  • Dietmar Kammerer

    Bilder der Überwachung

  • Faitiche, Jan Jelinek (Hg.)

    Ursula Bogner. Recordings 1969 - 1988 CD

  • Erol Yildiz, Birgit Mattausch (Hg.)

    Urban Recycling. Migration als Großstadt-Ressource

  • Gerrit Terstiege (Hg.)

    Drei D. Grafische Räume

  • Anne Becker, Olga Burkert, Anne Doose,…

    Verhandlungssache Mexiko Stadt. Umkämpfte Räume,…

  • Michel Serres

    Aufklärungen. Fünf Gespräche mit Bruno Latour

  • Faythe Levine, Cortney Heimerl

    Handmade Nation. The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design

  • Marxistische-Blätter

    Die Stadt als Raum für Klassenkämpfe

  • Sven Spieker

    The Big Archive. Art From Bureaucracy

  • Thomas Meinecke


  • Jane Pavitt

    Fear and Fashion in the Cold War

  • Suzaan Boettger (Hg.)

    Nedko Solakov. 99 Fears

  • Grada Kilomba

    Plantation Memories. Episodes of Everyday Racism

  • Rainald Goetz


  • Beatriz Da Costa, Kavita Philip (Hg.)

    Tactical Biopolitics. Art, Activism, and Technoscience

  • Elke Krasny, Irene Nierhaus (Hg.)

    Urbanografien. Stadtforschung in Kunst, Architektur und…

  • Anna Schober

    Ironie, Montage, Verfremdung. Ästhetische Taktiken und die…

  • Meyer, Kuhlbrodt, Aeberhard (Hg.)

    Architektur synoptisch. Zusammenschau der…

  • Hadas A. Steiner

    Beyond Archigram. The Structure of Circulation

  • Jack Masey, Conway Lloyd Morgan

    Cold War Confrontations. US Exhibitions and their Role in…

  • Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris

    Grundwissen Produktion für Grafikdesigner

  • Susanne von Falkenhausen

    KugelbauVisionen. Kulturgeschichte einer Bauform von der…

  • Jacques Rancière

    Zehn Thesen zur Politik

  • General Idea, Beatrix Ruf (Hg.)

    FILE Megazine

  • Friedrich von Borries, Matthias Böttger…

    Bessere Zukunft? Auf der Suche nach den Räumen von Morgen

  • Wilfried Nerdinger, Architekturmuseum…

    Sep Ruf 1908-1982. Moderne mit Tradition

  • Klanten, Bourquin, Tissot, Ehmann (Hg.)

    Data Flow. Visualising Information in Graphic Design

  • Chris Carlsson

    Nowtopia. How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and…

  • Jade Dellinger, David Giffels

    We Are DEVO!

  • Aude Lehmann, Tan Waelchli

    Whyart. A La Mode - The Third Way of Fashion

  • Denise Markonish (Hg.)

    Badlands. New Horizons in Landscape

  • Friedrich von Borries, Matthias Böttger

    Updating Germany. 100 Projekte für eine bessere Zukunft

  • Kunstverein Nürnberg, Albr. Dürer…

    Thea Djordjadze

  • Felix Guattari

    The Three Ecologies

  • Keith Beattie

    Documentary Display. Re-Viewing Nonfiction Film and Video

  • Harmony Korine

    Mister Lonely

  • Axel Schildt, Dirk Schubert (Hg.)

    Städte zwischen Wachstum und Schrumpfung. Wahrnehmungs- und…

  • Grandmaster Flash

    The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash. My Life, My Beats - A…

  • Elizabeth Grosz

    Chaos, Territory, Art. Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth…

  • John C. Welchman (Hg.)

    The Aesthetics of Risk. SoCCAS Symposium Vol. 3

  • Gerald Staib, Andreas Dörrhöfer, Markus…

    Elemente und Systeme. Modulares Bauen. Entwurf,…

  • Tobias Huber, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    Inaesthetik Nr. 0. Theses on Contemporary Art

  • Ben Highmore (Hg.)

    The Design Culture Reader

cover Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene

Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene. The New Nature

While the global scientific community recently made headlines by ruling the Anthropocene―an era many date to the Industrial Revolution when human action truly began to transform the planet―did not qualify for a geological epoch quite yet, understanding the nature of human transformation of the Earth is more important than ever. The effects of human activity are global in scope, but take shape within distinct social and ecological "patches," discontinuous regions within which the key actors may not be human, but the plants, animals, fungi, viruses, plastics, and chemicals creating our new world. Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene takes stock of our current planetary crisis, leading readers through a series of sites, thought experiments, and genre-stretching descriptive practices to nurture a revitalized natural history.

Field guides teach us how to notice, name, and so better appreciate more-than-human worlds. They hone our powers of observation and teach us to see the world anew. Field-based observations and place-based knowledge cultivation―getting up-close and personal with patchy dynamics―are vital to truly grapple with the ecological challenges and the historical conjunctures that are bringing us to multiple catastrophic tipping points. How has commercial agriculture runoff given rise to comb jellies in the Black Sea? What role did the Atlantic slave trade play in the worldwide spread of virus-carrying mosquitoes? How did the green revolution transform the brown planthopper into a superpredator in Philippine rice fields? Questions like these open up new ways of understanding, and ways of living through, the epoch that human activity has ushered in.

This Field Guide shifts attention away from knowledge extractive practices of globalization to encourage skilled observers of many stripes to pursue their commitments to place, social justice, and multispecies community. It is through attention to the beings, places, ecologies, and histories of the Anthropocene that we can reignite curiosity, wonder, and care for our damaged planet.

Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Jennifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena, Feifei Zhou
Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene. The New Nature
Stanford University Press, 2024, 9781503637320
31,90 €