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  • Christian Werner

    Christian Werner. Everything Is So Democratic and Cool

  • Paulo Mendes da Rocha

    Designed Future or selected writings by Paulo Mendes da…

  • Moyra Davey

    Index Cards

  • Emanuele Coccia


  • ARCH+, Anh-Linh Ngo, Arno Brandlhuber,…

    Arch+. The Property Issue: Politics of Space and Data.

  • Philip Kovce, Birger P. Priddat (Hg.)

    Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. Grundlagentexte

  • Aaron Bastani

    Fully Automated Luxury Communism

  • Martijn De Rijk, Thomas Spijkerman

    Reinventing Daily Life

  • Adriano Pedrosa, Jose Esparza Chong Cuy…

    Lina Bo Bardi. Habitat

  • Cloe Pitiot, Nina Stritzler-Levine (Hg)

    Eileen Gray. Designer and Architect

  • Verena Pfeiffer-Kloss

    Der Himmel unter West-Berlin. Die post-sachlichen U-…

  • Chus Martínez (Ed.)

    The Wild Book of Inventions

  • Mary Bosworth, Khadija von Zinnenburg…

    Bordered Lives. Immigration Detention Archive

  • bell hooks

    Die Bedeutung von Klasse

  • Marcus Steinweg

    Metaphysik der Leere

  • Jeppe Ugelvig

    Fashion Work. 1993-2018. 25 Years of Art in Fashion

  • Ursula K. Le Guin

    Am Anfang war der Beutel

  • Franco La Cecla

    Against Urbanism

  • John Maeda

    How to Speak Machine. Laws of Design for a Computational Age

  • Holger Schulze

    Sonic Fiction

  • Chad Randl


  • Christopher M. Kelty

    The Participant. A Century of Participation in Four Stories

  • Kevin Lotery

    The Long Front of Culture. The Independent Group and…

  • Matthew Gandy, Sandra Jasper (Hg)

    The Botanical City

  • Riccardo Badano, Rebecca Lewin, Natalia…

    Formafantasma Cambio

  • Rozemin Keshvani (Ed.)

    The Locked Room. Four Years that Shook Art Education, 1969–…

  • Nick Mauss


  • Stanislaus von Moos, Martino Stierli

    Eyes That Saw: Architecture after Las Vegas

  • S. Delz, R. Hehl, P. Ventura

    Housing the Co-op. A Micro-political Manifesto

  • Sasha Costanza-Chock

    Design Justice. Community-led Practices to build the Worlds…

  • Mary Kaldor and Saskia Sassen (Ed)

    Cities at War. Global Insecurity and Urban Resistance

  • Claire Fontaine

    La Grève Humaine et l’art de créer la liberté

  • Christian Nae (Editor)

    Dan Mihaltianu. Canal Grande: The Capital Pool and the…

  • Hashim Sarkis, Roi Salgueiro Barrio,…

    The World as an Architectural Project.

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli (Hg)

    The City as a Project

  • Stephen Barber

    The Projectionists. Eadweard Muybridge and the Future…

  • Zoran Terzić

    Idiocracy. Denken und Handeln im Zeitalter des Idioten

  • Paul B. Preciado

    Ein Apartment auf dem Uranus. Chroniken eines Übergangs

  • Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer,…

    Degrowth in Movement(s). Exploring Pathways for…

  • Anita Chari, Claire Fontaine, Jaleh…

    Claire Fontaine. Newsfloor

  • Angela McRobbie

    Feminism and the Politics of Resilience. Essays on Gender,…

  • Gabriele Klein

    Pina Bausch’s Dance Theater. Company, Artistic Practices,…

  • Joachim Hamou, Maija Rudovska, Barbara…

    Active Art

  • Institut für Raumexperimente e.V.,…

    Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold

  • Larry D. Busbea

    The Responsive Environment. Design, Aesthetics, and the…

  • Katherine Guinness

    Schizogenesis. The Art of Rosemarie Trockel

  • Alain Badiou

    Migrants and Militants

  • Gregory Claeys

    Utopia. The History of an Idea

  • Frieda Grafe

    HaFI 011: Souvenirs, Ursprünge, Gefundene Fiktion /…

  • Etel Adnan

    Wir wurden kosmisch

  • D. R. McElroy

    Signs & Symbols of the World: Over 1,001 Visual Signs…

  • David Yaffe

    Joni Mitchell - Ein Porträt

  • Gloria Meynen

    Inseln und Meere. Zur Geschichte und Geografie fluider…

  • Leander Scholz

    Die Menge der Menschen

  • Jakob Hayner

    Warum Theater

  • Sylvia Lavin

    Architecture Itself and Other Postmodernist Myths

  • Alastair Hemmens, Gabriel Zacarias (Eds…

    The Situationist International. A Critical Handbook

  • Claudia Mareis, Michael Rottmann

    Entwerfen mit System

  • James Lovelock

    Novozän: Das kommende Zeitalter der Hyperintelligenz

  • Jane Bennett

    Lebhafte Materie. Eine politische Ökologie der Dinge

  • Naomi Hennig, Anna-Lena Wenzel (Hg.)

    General Public 2005-2015

  • Holger Schulze

    Ubiquitäre Literatur. Eine Partikelpoetik

  • Tom Bieling (Hg.)

    Gender (&) Design. Positionen zur Vergeschlechtlichung…

  • Oliver Flügel-Martinsen

    Radikale Demokratietheorien zur Einführung

  • Simon Rothöhler

    Theorien der Serie zur Einführung

  • Eugene Thacker

    Im Staub dieses Planeten: Horror der Philosophie

  • Peter Wilson

    Some Reasons For Traveling To Albania

  • Ulrich Bröckling

    Postheroische Helden. Ein Zeitbild

  • Hubertus Butin

    Kunstfälschung. Das betrügliche Objekt der Begierde

  • Deborah Potts

    Broken Cities. Inside the Global Housing Crisis

  • Günther Vogt, Thomas Kissling (Hg.)

    Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat

  • Markus Miessen, Zoë Ritts (Hg.)

    Para-Plattformen. Die Raumpolitik des Rechtspopulismus

  • Fischer, Gramelsberger, Hoffmann,…

    Datennaturen. Ein Gespräch zwischen Biologie, Kunst,…

  • Ludger Weß, Judith Schalansky (Hg.)

    Winzig, zäh und zahlreich. Ein Bakterienatlas

  • Felwine Sarr


  • Anna-Lisa Dieter, Viktoria Krason (Hg.)

    Future Food. Essen für die Welt von Morgen

  • Florian Malzacher

    Gesellschaftsspiele. Politisches Theater heute

  • HfG-Archiv Museum Ulm, Katharina Kurz,…

    Nicht mein Ding − Gender im Design

  • Clog

    Clog 17. Cannabis

  • Frédéric Gros

    Disobey! A Philosophy of Resistance

  • Dieuwertje Hehewerth

    Salticidae Icius - a Research on Independent Art Spaces and…

  • Sruti Bala

    The gestures of participatory art

  • Christopher Sweetapple, Hein-Jürgen Voß…

    Intersektionalität. Von der Antidiskriminierung zur…

  • Anneke Lubkowitz (Hg.)


  • Florian Hertweck (Hg.)

    Architektur auf gemeinsamem Boden. Positionen und Modelle…

  • Roger Paez

    Operative Mapping. Maps as Design Tools

  • Silvia Federici

    Jenseits unserer Haut. Körper als umkämpfter Ort im…

  • Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Franciska…

    Creativity Exercises. Emancipatory Pedagogies in Art and…

  • Bill Balaskas, Carolina Rito (Eds.)

    Institution as Praxis

  • Julian Hanna

    The Manifesto Handbook. 95 Theses on an Incendiary Form

  • Sandra Teitge (Hg)

    Goethe in the Skyways

  • Samantha Hardingham (ed.)

    Cedric Price Works 1958 - 2003. A Forward-Minded…

  • Markus Krajewski, Harun Maye (Hg)

    Universalenzyklopädie der menschlichen Klugheit

  • Matt Anniss

    Join the Future. Bleep Techno and the Birth of British Bass…

  • Milo Sweedler

    Allegories of the End of Capitalism. Six Films on the…

  • HfG Ulm (Hg.)

    Hans Gugelot: Die Architektur des Design

  • David Rattray

    How I Became One of the Invisible (New Edition)

  • Sarah T. Roberts

    Behind the Screen. Content Moderation in the Shadows of…

IDEA 405. Sneaking a Look. Cross Sections, Floor Plans & Exploded Diagrams: Visualizing the Invisible

Direction by Idea 
Design by LABORATORIES (Kensaku Kato, Sae Kamata)

Visual representations depicting the inside of cities and structures that human eyes cannot normally see have a mysterious allure that captures the imagination of the viewer, including structural drawings and floor plans depicting the framework of buildings, cross- sectional views of subways and sewers crawling underground in huge cities, and bird’s-eye views of production lines inside closed factories. The illustrations in thepicture books, which depict exploded views of vehicles and machines, human anatomy, and the contents of vegetables and plants, attract many children. Bird’s eye views of the city and house floor plans also serve as visual devices that engage adults’ memories and imaginations.
Seeing or drawing invisible objects is one of the fundamental human desires. When and how did illustrations, such as cross sections and bird’s eye views, come into existence? Its origins can be traced, for example, to the cave paintings left by Aborigines in prehistoric Australia (known as “x-rays,” paintings of animals and fish with transparent bones and organs). As time progressed, many cross- sectional representations were used in medicine and engineering to explain the inner workings. Some of them, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s anatomical drawings of the human anatomy, went beyond their original use and reached the realm of art. Furthermore, from the latter half of the 19th century to the 20th century, with the spread of printing technology, people in Europe and the United States became familiar with cutaway or cross-section illustrations for newspapers and magazines. During the Great War in the 20th century, many cutaway illustrations of modern fighter jets, tanks, and battleships were drawn in Japanese children’s science magazines and comics.
In Japanese visual culture, which has a long history of grasping space with a perspective that differs from the realistic pictorial representation of the West, such as suiboku-ga (ink painting) and ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock prints), illustration seems to be familiar as a method of expressing lyricism and ambiguity rather than a functional one. We might say it is an intermediate expression, neither written nor painted. This may be due in part to the influence of the“Heta-uma” illustrations (designating a work poorly drawn, but with an aesthetically conscious quality)by artists such as Teruhiko Yumura and Kotobuki Shiriagari, which became popular in the field of commercial illustration in the 1980s.
On the other hand, “infographics” and “data visualization” in the field of graphic design play a functional role in explaining things through diagrams, a role that illustration has not played in Japanese visual culture. But we have a concern that the rise of computer graphics and the tendency of people to place an excessive priority on “comprehensibility” in recent years have led to the uniformity of expressions. What kind of expression is it that sublimates the rich expression that illustration has fostered and connects both illustration and design?
In this special issue, we explore the “visual representation,” that is graphics, regardless of field. The eight artists of all times and places we feature in this special issue are from different backgrounds, some as illustrators and others as architects and game-graphers. They all focus on depicting the “inside of things” and continue to produce eye- catching works using expressions such as cross-sectional drawings and floor plans. We will also introduce the work of authors who are fascinated by drawing the invisible, such as spatial expressions in picture books and illustrations in the areas of maps and architecture in our contributions and small features in the latter half of the special issue. We hope that many readers will encounter new discoveries and excitement through their perspective.

IDEA Magazine
IDEA 405. Sneaking a Look. Cross Sections, Floor Plans & Exploded Diagrams: Visualizing the Invisible
Seibundo Shinkosha, 2024, IDEA395 2024.03