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  • Robert McCarter

    Carlo Scarpa

  • Deborah Chambers

    Cultural Ideals of Home. The Social Dynamics of Domestic…

  • Peggy Blum

    Circular Fashion. Making the Fashion Industry Sustainable

  • Gruppe Panther & Co

    Rebellisches Berlin. Expeditionen in die untergründige…

  • Dominique Laleg

    Kritik der Perspektive

  • Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

    Spalt und Fuge. Eine Phänomenologie des Experiments

  • Anthony McCosker, Rowan Wilken

    Automating Vision.The Social Impact of the New Camera…

  • Klaus Englert

    Wie wir wohnen werden. Die Entwicklung der Wohnung und die…

  • Nikolaus Hirsch, Jason Waite (eds)

    Don't follow the Wind (Critical Spatial Practice 12)

  • Philipp Oswalt (Hg)

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  • Torsten Blume, Claudia Perren, Stiftung…

    Ludwig Grote und die Bauhaus-Idee. Zur Westddeutschen…

  • Vitra Design Museum

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  • Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato…

    Materialism and Politics

  • Sandra Meireis

    Mikro-Utopien der Architektur. Das utopische Moment…

  • Elna Matamoros

    Dance & Costumes. A History of Dressing Movement

  • George Monbiot

    Verwildert. Die Wiederherstellung unserer Ökosysteme und…

  • Iris Därmann

    Widerstände. Gewaltenteilung in statu nascendi

  • Thomas Piketty

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  • Max Dax

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  • Marianna Dobkowska, Krzysztof Łukomski…

    Things We Do Together. The Post-Reader

  • Mark Fisher

    Postcapitalist Desire. The Final Lectures

  • Julia Jamrozik, Coryn Kempster

    Kinder der Moderne. Vom Aufwachsen in berühmten Gebäuden

  • Sebastian Felix Ernst, Jonas Tratz/FAKT

    Berlin Maps

  • Leonhard Laupichler, Sophia Brinkgerd (…

    New Aesthetic 2. A Collection Of Independent Type Design

  • Beatrice von Bismarck

    Das Kuratorische

  • Friedemann Kunst; Deutsche Akademie für…

    Berlin & Berlin. Stadtplanung und Städtebau nach dem…

  • Nicolas Nova, Nicolas Maigret, Maria…

    A Bestiary of the Anthropocene

  • Lutz Koepnick

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  • Jenny Odell

    Nichts tun. Die Kunst, sich der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie zu…

  • Bénédicte Savoy

    Afrikas Kampf um seine Kunst. Geschichte einer…

  • Reinier De Graaf

    The Masterplan (A Novel)

  • Antoine Picon

    The Materiality of Architecture

  • Katherine McKittrick

    Dear Science and Other Stories

  • Lisa Marei Schmidt, Kerstin Wittmann-…

    Werner Düttmann. Berlin.Bau.Werk. / Building Berlin.

  • Joseph Vogl

    Kapital und Ressentiment. Eine kurze Theorie der Gegenwart

  • Kim Charnley

    Sociopolitical Aesthetics. Art, Crisis and Neoliberalism

  • Sammlung Wemhöner (Hg)

    Hasenheide 13

  • AA62


  • Ursula Müller, Berlinische Galerie

    Anything goes? Berliner Architekturen der 1980er Jahre

  • IDEA Magazine

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  • Urs Stäheli

    Soziologie der Entnetzung

  • Roberto Simanowski

    Das Virus und das Digitale

  • Ole Nymoen, Wolfgang M. Schmitt

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  • Rolando Vázquez

    Vistas Of Modernity. Decolonial Aesthesis And The End Of…

  • Jayna Brown

    Black Utopias. Speculative Life and the Music of Other…

  • Ursula Schwitalla (Hg)

    Frauen in der Architektur. Rückblicke, Positionen,…

  • Knut Ebeling, Annette Maechtel, Heimo…

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  • Kathi Hofer

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  • Sandra Bartoli, Silvan Linden (Hg.)

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  • Silvia Federici

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  • Nick Pinkerton

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  • Philipp Oswalt with Anthony Fontenot

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  • Hans Drexler

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  • Joachim Kleinmanns

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  • Keller Easterling

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  • Experimental Jetset

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  • Andrés Jaque, Marina Otero Verzier,…


  • Claudia Mareis, Nina Paim (Hg)

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  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

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  • Moises Puente, Antje Stahl, Nikolaus…

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  • Georges Perec

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  • Kristin Ross

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  • Victor Deupi, Jean-Francois Lejeune

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  • András Szántó

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  • Tom Holert

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  • Eva von Redecker

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  • Nina Prader, John Z. Komurki (Eds.)

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  • Liam Campling and Alejandro Colás

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  • Niki Kubaczek, Monika Mokre (Hg.)

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  • Floris Alkemade, Michiel van Iersel,…

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  • Manuel de la Pena Suarez

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  • Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou (Ed.)

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  • Tim Ingold

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  • Renate Boere

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  • Christoph Herndler, Florian Neuner (Hg.)

    Der unfassbare Klang. Notationskonzepte heute

  • Fredric Jameson

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  • Adam Štěch

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  • Paul Hegarty

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  • John Beck

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  • Axel Sowa, Ela Kacel (eds.)

    Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge / No. 12

  • Douglas Spencer

    Critique of Architecture: Essays on Theory, Autonomy, and…

  • Hansuli Matter, Björn Franke (eds.)

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  • Brandon LaBelle

    Acoustic Justice: Listening, Performativity, and the Work…

  • Precarity Lab


  • Céline Condorelli

    Céline Condorelli. Zanzibar

  • Annette Maechtel

    Das Temporäre politisch denken. Raumproduktionen im Berlin…

  • Cornelia Sollfrank, Felix Stalder,…

    Aesthetics of the Commons

  • Mark Wigley

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  • Hans-Rudolf Meier

    Spolien. Phänomene der Wiederverwendung in der Architektur

  • Erich Hörl, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Lotte…

    Critique and the Digital

IDEA 407. Towards a Future Bound to Print Media: Those Who Create Magazines, Fanzines, and Small Press Publications

Direction by Idea
Design by LABORATORIES(Kensaku Kato, Sae Kamata)
Photography by Satoshi Aoyagi, Shunta Inaguchi, Masato Takahatake (pp. 66-69)

Ikki Kobayashi is currently a freelance graphic designer based in Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Tama Art University in 2015, Kobayashi joined Shiseido, where he was in charge of design work in the Creative Division. After retiring, he received the JAGDA New Designer Award in 2019.

This feature contains 38 new drawings that Kobayashi has been working on since the winter of 2023. In his work, the designs start primarily as sketches and drawings, from which he creates paths in Illustrator and completes them digitally. In order to focus on the process of these ‘forms’ created by Kobayashi and how he thinks through the physical act of drawing, we have entitled the feature Life through Design Drawings, showcasing his drawings before they reach the design stage. The pages have been designed by Akitsu Sekkei, Kobayashi’s classmate from university and a close follower of his activities.

In our advanced digital society, manufacturing has become increas- ingly streamlined, and massive quantities of goods are produced and consumed at astonishing speeds. The generative AI rage that swept through in the past few years has only spurred the situation, and it is now possible to design without being able to draw, by manipulating images based on certain algorithms, collaborating with others, and borrowing the help of tools.

Debate over whether the approach is analogue or digital is no longer a major issue in design. People can dabble in a variety of ways, and both analogue and digital approaches depend on the right person and the right place. Having said that, human judgment is necessary in both the beginning and end of the process to deter- mine where incentives lie for what to make, who to make it for, and when to determine its finished, at least for the present moment.

The experience we receive through our hands and eyes is data for these judgments, and is more reliable than the algorithms of big data. The incomprehensible feelings, and sensitivity to embrace the admiration we may feel for frills or the very ordinary in our daily lives become the foundation, and strength of form. We hope these pages offer a chance to consider the sacredness of creating form, as seen in Kobayashi’s honest attitude toward it, as he draws throughout the uncounted days—making, working, and living.

IDEA Magazine
IDEA 407. Towards a Future Bound to Print Media: Those Who Create Magazines, Fanzines, and Small Press Publications
Seibundo Shinkosha, 2024, IDEA407 2024.09
33,50 €