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  • René Boer

    Smooth City. Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective…

  • Malcom Ferdinand

    Decolonial Ecology. Thinking from the Caribbean World

  • Elizabeth A. Wilson


  • Dima Dayoub, Ruba Kasmo, Anne…

    A Culture of Building: Courtyard Houses in the Old City of…

  • Camille Henrot

    Camille Henrot. Milkyways

  • Anja Cronberg

    Vestoj No 11 On Everyday Life

  • Indigo

    Orient. Rewriting the Future

  • Edited by Jane Withers Studio

    Social Sauna – Bathing and Wellbeing

  • Laura Strack, Moritz Hannemann, Klaus…

    Baustelle Commune. Henri Lefebvre und die urbane Revolution…

  • Cristian Stefanescu (Ed.)

    Project Stories Volume 02: Architectural Practice Today

  • Marcus Boon

    The Politics of Vibration. Music as a Cosmopolitical…

  • Kyle Parry

    A Theory of Assembly. From Museums to Memes

  • McKenzie Wark


  • Moises Puente (Hg)

    2G 88. Carla Juaçaba

  • Nile Greenberg, Matthew Kennedy

    The Advanced School of Collective Feeling. Inhabiting…

  • Kitchen Politics

    Die Neuordnung der Küchen

  • Jean Painlevé

    Le Grand Cirque Calder 1927 DVD

  • Monia Acciari, Philipp Rhensius (eds.)

    Politics of Curatorship. Collective and Affective…

  • Marcel Bois, Bernadette Reinhold (eds.)

    Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender…

  • Ed. by Tahl Kaminer, Leonard Ma, Helen…

    Urbanizing Suburbia. Hyper-Gentrification, the…

  • Anja Schwanhäußer

    Stilrevolte Underground. Die Alternativkultur als Agent der…

  • Ingo Uhlig

    Energiewende erzählen. Literatur, Kunst, Ressourcen

  • Beckerath, Verena von

    A Room With A View

  • Kristiina Koskentola, Marjolein van der…

    Enfleshed. Ecologies of Entities and Beings

  • Ernst Van Alphen

    Productive Archiving. Artistic Strategies, Future Memories…

  • Benek Cincik, Tiago Torres-Campos

    Postcards From The Anthropocene. Unsettling The Geopolitics…

  • Lim Kyung yong, Helen Jungyeon Ku (eds)

    Publishing as method. Ways of Working Together in Asia

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 402. Opening paths with small press publishing:…

  • Unabhängige Historikerkommission

    MACHT RAUM GEWALT. Planen und Bauen im Nationalsozialismus

  • Catherine Ingraham

    Architecture's Theory

  • Adam Nathaniel Furman, Joshua Mardell (…

    Queer Spaces. An Atlas of LGBTQIA+ Places and Stories

  • McKenzie Wark

    Reverse Cowgirl

  • David Leatherbarrow

    Projecting Urbanity. Architecture for and against the City

  • Michael Jakob

    Faux Mountains

  • Louis Chude-Sokei

    Technologie und Race. Essays der Migration

  • Joe Molloy

    Acid Detroit. A Psychedelic Story of Motor City

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 252. Open for Maintenance - Wegen Umbau geöffnet

  • Anna Bokov

    Lessons from the Social Condensers. 101 Soviet Workers’…

  • David Kishik

    Self Study. Notes on the Schizoid Condition

  • Edited by Elena Biserna

    Going Out. Walking, Listening, Soundmaking

  • Helga Blocksdorf, Samuel Barckhausen,…

    PERSONAE - Konstruktive Charaktere im analytischen Licht…

  • Roxana Marcoci, Phil Taylor (Hg.)

    Wolfgang Tillmans. Reader

  • Kunsthaus Graz (Hg)

    Ein Katzenbaum für die Kunst. A Cat-Tree for the Arts.…

  • Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan…

    Border Environments. Centre for Research Architecture

  • Tbilisi Architecture Archive, Mariam…

    Laguna Vere

  • Alexander Pehlemann, Robert Mießner,…

    Magnetizdat DDR. Magnetbanduntergrund Ost 1979 - 1990

  • Daniela Comani

    Daniela Comani A-Z

  • Liliane Wong

    Adaptive Reuse in Architecture. A Typological Index

  • Constructlab / Joanne Pouzenc, Alex…

    Convivial Ground. Stories from Collaborative Spatial…

  • Güntner, Hauser, Lehner, Reinprecht (Hg)

    The Social Dimension of Social Housing

  • Dana Cuff

    Architectures of Spatial Justice

  • Raúl Sánchez Cedillo

    Dieser Krieg endet nicht in der Ukraine. Argumente für…

  • Deborah Lupton

    The Internet of Animals. Human-Animal Relationships in the…

  • Diedrich Diederichsen

    Aesthetics of Pop Music

  • Joy James

    In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love: Precarity, Power,…

  • Klett, Luise Charlotte


  • Leslie Kern

    Gentrifizierung lässt sich nicht aufhalten und andere Lügen

  • Pauline Oliveros

    Pauline Oliveros. Quantum Listening

  • So Mayer, Sarah Shin (eds.)

    Ursula K. Le Guin. Space Crone

  • Paul Dobraszczyk

    Animal Architecture. Beasts, Buildings and Us

  • Louisa Hutton, Matthias Sauerbruch (Hg.)

    Der Experimenta Neubau in Heilbronn

  • Emma Warren

    Dance Your Way Home: A Journey Through the Dancefloor

  • Benedict Anderson

    The City in Transgression. Human Mobility and Resistance in…

  • Vikramaditya Prakash, Maristella…

    Rethinking Global Modernism. Architectural Historiography…

  • Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung

    Pidginization as Curatorial Method. Messing with Languages…

  • Gabriele Gramelsberger

    Philosophie des Digitalen zur Einführung

  • Susanne M. Winterling, Antonia Lotz (Ed…

    Pandora's Box

  • Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung

    An Ongoing-Offcoming Tale. Ruminations on Art, Culture,…

  • Counterprint (ed.)

    Colour Clash. Vibrant Colour Palettes in Graphic Design

  • T. J. Demos

    Radical Futurisms. Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics,…

  • Vera Tollmann

    Sicht von oben. „Powers of Ten” und Bildpolitiken der…

  • Ana Hupe

    Footnotes to Triangular Cartographies. Processing Process

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 401. Wayfinding for City Spaces: Bridging navigation…

  • David Bergé, Milica Ivic (Eds.)

    Bodies of Extraction. Underneath the Ground of Islands

  • Jan Büchsenschuß

    Die Fassade. Verkleidung und Illusion, Verbrechen und Zitat

  • Francesco Fusaro (Ed.)

    Sonic Traces. From Italy

  • Ulrich Gutmair

    Wir sind die Türken von morgen. Neue Welle, neues…

  • Jumping He (Ed.)

    Another Reading. Contemporary Book Design from China

  • James Voorhies

    Postsensual Aesthetics. On the Logic of the Curatorial

  • Arvanitis, Blank, Michaelidi,…

    Krisenkunst - Kunstkrise? Kunst und die globale Umweltkrise…

  • Pier Paolo Tamburelli

    Grundkurs: What is Architecture About?

  • Oliver Marchart

    Hegemony Machine. documentaX to fifteen and the Politics of…

  • Adolf Loos

    Adolf Loos. Ins Leere gesprochen

  • Gilles Aubry

    Sawt, Bodies, Species. Sonic Pluralism in Morocco

  • Mohsen Mostafavi, Kayoko Ota (eds.)

    Sharing Tokyo. Artifice and the Social World

  • Nina Rappaport

    Hybrid Factory, Hybrid City

  • Oda Pälmke

    Repertoire 8, Ideen / Assoziationen, Oda Pälmke

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 251. Unternehmen Architektur

  • Keller Easterling


  • Anke Graneß

    Philosophie in Afrika. Herausforderungen einer globalen…

  • Nancy Fraser

    Der Allesfresser. Wie der Kapitalismus seine eigenen…

  • Susanne Witzgall, Marietta Kesting (Hg.)

    Human after Man

  • Reinier de Graaf

    architect, verb. The New Language of Building

  • Rosalyn Deutsche

    Not-Forgetting. Contemporary Art and the Interrogation of…

  • Rafi Segal, Marisa Morán Jahn

    Design & Solidarity. Conversations on Collective…

  • 51N4E (Hg.)

    How to not demolish a Building

  • Morten Paul

    Suhrkamp Theorie. Eine Buchreihe im philosophischen…

  • David Vaner, Ilka Ruby (Hg.)

    Besser als neu

The Queer Art of Failure

The Queer Art of Failure is about finding alternativesoto conventional understandings of success in a heteronormative, capitalist society; to academic disciplines that confirm what is already known according to approved methods of knowing; and to cultural criticism that has extensively theorized hegemony but paid little attention to counter-hegemony. Judith Halberstam proposes "low theory" as a means of recovering ways of being and forms of knowledge not legitimized by existing systems and institutions. Low theory is derived from eccentric archives. It runs the risk of not being taken seriously. It entails a willingness to fail and to lose one's way. Tacking back and forth between high theory and low theory, high culture and low culture, Halberstam looks for the unexpected and subversive in popular culture, avant-garde performance, and queer art. She pays particular attention to animated children's films, contending that new forms of animation, especially CGI, have generated narratives filled with unexpected encounters between the childish, the transformative, and the queer. Dismantling contemporary logics of success, Halberstam demonstrates that failure sometimes offers more creative, cooperative, and surprising ways of being in the world.
"...insightful and intellectually brave in places, and makes a significant intervention in the development of queer theory. The Queer Art of Failure is also utterly charming... For all the humour in its content and in its style, this is a very serious work." Robert Eaglestone, Times Higher Education "A lively and thought-provoking examination of how the homogenizing tendencies of modern society might be resisted through the creative application of failure, forgetting, and passivity, actions generally deemed of little value within today's capitalist models of success... A valiant attempt to find value in positions and attitudes such as negativity that our modern success-oriented society disdains, this study is never less than thrilling." Publishers Weekly "The Queer Art of Failure is a manifesto for cultural studies. It self-consciously risks being dismissed or trashed in order to rescue alternative objects of analysis, methods of knowing, and ways of communicating. Its stakes are clear. It's not attempting to argue for the recovery of its materials from obscurity; it values forgetting and obsolescence. It's not claiming to retool our understanding of major work; it traffics unapologetically in the minor. And it doesn't pretend to comprehensive scholarship; it offers up plot summaries and allegorical readings with glee." Elizabeth Freeman, author of Time Binds: Queer Temporalities, Queer Histories "The Queer Art of Failure is inspired, provocative, and hilarious. More significantly, it is a deft evisceration of the regulative rigidities of disciplinarity and the pretensions of 'high theory.' Judith Halberstam's advocacy of 'silly archives' and 'low theory' is much more than a carnivalesque skewering of the earnest self-seriousness of much academic scholarship; it is a populist clarion call for expansive democratic visions of what it is we are writing about and for whom we think we are writing." Lisa Duggan, author of The Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy "Failure abounds all around us: economies collapse, nation-states falter, and malfeasance rules. In the face of our dismal situation Judith Halberstam distils and repurposes the negative for the purpose of thinking outside the tyranny of success. The Queer Art of Failure finds a new vitality in not winning, accumulating, doing or knowing. Both counter intuitive and anti-anticipatable, this compelling book pushes beyond many of the impasses and blockages that limit our critical horizons today." Jose Esteban Munoz, author of Cruising Utopia: The Here and Now of Queer Futurity "All losers are the heirs of those who have lost before them.' The Queer Art of Failure narrates hilarious and swerving outlaw comedies of refusal, absurdity, and exuberant being, acting in solidarity with its resident artists--from SpongeBob SquarePants to Yoko Ono. But the book hums a dark tone, too. The arts of normative style, playing out on sexual, racialized, gendered, and colonial bodies and landscapes, are painful to witness, even here. No artist or critic can repair the damage, erasing history; but Judith Halberstam wields all of the weapons that intelligence (and cartoons) can bring against the harsh work of conventionality." Lauren Berlant, author of Cruel Optimism "Queer Theory using Spongebob Squarepants? Totally there... Underdogs and shoddy queers can take wordy, erudite solace in Halberstam's words." GT "...here is a book well worth the time and attention it takes to read it and to consider its implications. Most especially in that Judith Halberstam writes not only with authority, but also with genuine wit, which leaves the reader laughing out loud from time to time, something quite unknown until now in books of queer theory. Further, Ms. Halberstam presents her case with deep insight into human nature, and into our deepset cultural need to simplify our definition of the word success--and, up until now, our seeming need to ignore the creative implications of failure. " Vinton Rafe McCabe New York Journal of Books "Set against a backdrop of global fincial crisis this is a quirky explanation of the queer possibilities the concept of failure has to offer, opening with a quote from SpongeBob SquarePants." Diva

Judith Halberstam
The Queer Art of Failure
Duke, 2011, 9780822350453