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  • Malcolm Miles

    Eco-Aesthetics. Art, Literature and Architecture in a…

  • Nikolaus Hirsch, Markus Miessen (Ed.)

    Subtraction. Keller Easterling. Critical Spatial Practice 4

  • Tom Steinert

    Komplexe Wahrnehmung und moderner Städtebau. Paul Hofer,…

  • Rachel Mader (Hg.)

    Radikal ambivalent. Engagement und Verantwortung in den…

  • Katharina Roters

    Hungarian Cubes. Subversive Ornamente im Sozialismus

  • John Paul Ricco

    The Decision Between Us. Art and Ethics in the Time of…

  • Ugo Mulas

    Cirque Calder

  • Adrian von Buttlar, Kerstin Wittmann-…

    Baukunst der Nachkriegsmoderne. Architekturführer Berlin…

  • Laura Bruns

    Stadt Selber Machen. Ein Handbuch

  • Michael Fried

    Warum Photographie als Kunst so bedeutend ist wie nie zuvor

  • Henri Lefèbvre

    Die Revolution der Städte. La Revolution urbaine

  • Martin Pawley

    Theorie und Gestaltung im Zweiten Maschinenzeitalter

  • Conditional Design Team

    Conditional Design Workbook

  • HomeShop (Ed.)


  • Marketa Uhlirova (Ed.)

    Birds of Paradise. Costume as Cinematic Spectacle

  • Stasis. Academic Journal

    Social and Political Theory. No. 1

  • Pavlos Lefas

    Architecture. A Historical Perspective

  • Thomas Girst

    The Duchamp Dictionary

  • Christopher Dell

    Das Urbane. Wohnen. Leben. Produzieren

  • Cathrine Veikos

    Lina Bo Bardi. The Theory of Architectural Practice

  • Dieter Rams

    Less but better. Weniger, aber besser

  • Matt Zoller Seitz

    The Wes Anderson Collection

  • Louis Martin (Ed.)

    On Architecture. Melvin Charney, a Critical Anthology

  • Adaptive Actions


  • Thomas Durisch (Hg.)

    Peter Zumthor. 1985–2013

  • Martin Conrads

    Ohne Mich

  • Gertrud Vogler

    La Défense. Métro, boulot, dodo

  • James Nisbet

    Ecologies, Environments, and Energy Systems in Art of the…

  • October Files 16

    John Knight

  • Paolo Belardi

    Why Architects Still Draw

  • Forensic Architecture (Ed.)

    Forensis. The Architecture of Public Truth

  • Liesbeth Huybrechts (Ed.)

    Participation Is Risky. Approaches to Joint Creative…

  • Clog 10


  • Sylvère Lotringer, David Morris (Ed.)


  • Matt Ratto, Megan Boler (Eds.)

    DIY Citizenship. Critical Making and Social Media

  • Gilles Rouffineau (Ed.)

    Passing On History. Design Contribution To Knowledge…

  • Zeuler R. M. de A. Lima

    Lina Bo Bardi

  • Jacques Sbriglio

    Le Corbusier et la question du brutalisme. LC au J1

  • Kaja Grobe, Karin Kreuder

    Always the Same Faces. Aus dem Alltag philippinischer…

  • Christoph Tannert (Hg.)

    Berlin Art Scene

  • Clog


  • Andreas van Dühren (Hg.)

    TEXT Gespräche

  • Dario Azzellini, Marina Sitrin

    They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from…

  • James Langdon

    A School for Design Fiction

  • Valentin Groebner

    Wissenschaftssprache digital. Die Zukunft von gestern

  • Deyan Sudjic

    B is for Bauhaus. An A-Z of the Modern World

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Ways of Curating

  • Stine Omar, Max Boss, Andy Grier

    SMAREAZY 001 12"EASTER, Champagne 121212 / Children…

  • Nina Möntmann (Ed.)

    Schöne Neue Arbeit / Brave New Work. Ein Reader zu Harun…

  • Christiane E. Fricke (Hg.)

    Der Gang der Dinge. Welche Zukunft haben photographische…

  • Emil Ruder


  • Graham Cairns

    The Architecture of the Screen

  • Andrej Holm


  • René Pollesch

    Kill Your Darlings

  • Beatrix Ruf, Julia Stoschek, Thomas D.…

    Ed Atkins

  • Helmut Lethen

    Der Schatten des Fotografen

  • Martin Herbert

    The Uncertainty Principle

  • Andrej Holm (Hg.)

    Reclaim Berlin. Soziale Kämpfe in der neoliberalen Stadt

  • Cathy Lane, Angus Carlyle

    In the Field. The Art of Field Recording

  • Diedrich Diederichsen

    Über Pop-Musik

  • Helmut Draxler, Tanja Widmann (Hg.)

    Ein kritischer Modus? Die Form der Theorie und der Inhalt…

  • Helmut C. Schulitz

    Entfesselung der Architektur. Der Architekt: Baumeister…

  • James Haywood Rolling Jr.

    Arts-Based Research

  • Elisabeth Roudinesco

    Lacan. In Spite Of Everything

  • Claudia Quiring, Andreas Rothaus,…

    Neue Baukunst. Architektur der Moderne in Bild und Buch

  • Justus Dahinden

    Architektur - Form und Emotion. Architecture - Form and…

  • Judith Butler, Athena Athanasiou

    Die Macht der Enteigneten. Das Performative im Politischen

  • Matt Mullican

    Editions 1985-2012

  • Daan Paans

    Letters from Utopia

  • Marcus Quent, Eckardt Lindner (Hg.)

    Das Versprechen der Kunst

  • Kerry Brougher

    Damage Control. Art and Destruction Since 1950

  • Armen Avanessian (Hg.)

    Realismus Jetzt: Spekulative Philosophie und Metaphysik für…

  • Marc Angelil, Rainer Hehl (Eds.)

    Minha Casa-nossa Cidade. Innovating Mass Housing In Brazil

  • Olafur Eliasson

    Eine Feier, elf Räume und ein gelber Korridor

  • Archivist

    Three Faces. Archive Chalayan

  • Alistair Hicks

    The Global Art Compass

  • Manfred Omahna, Johanna Rolshoven (Hg.)

    Reziproke Räume. Texte zu Kulturanthropologie und…

  • Jan Verwoert


  • Stephen Phillips (Ed.)

    L.A. [Ten]. Interviews on Los Angeles Architecture, 1970–…

  • Andrew Hemingway

    The Mysticism of Money

  • Ljiljana Kolešnik (Ed.)

    Socialism and Modernity. Art, Culture, Politics 1950 – 1974

  • Sascha Peters

    Materialrevolution 2. Neue nachhaltige und multifunktionale…

  • Francesca Ferguson, Urban Drift…

    Make Shift City. Renegotiating the Urban Commons

  • UDK, ETH (Ed.)

    Mapping Everything

  • Tecta

    Flying Furniture

  • Warren Carter, Barnaby Haran, Frederic…

    ReNew Marxist Art History

  • Birkenstock, Kastner, Sonderegger (Eds.)

    Kunst und Ideologiekritik nach 1989 / Art and the Critique…

  • Yilmaz Dziewior (Ed.)

    Liebe ist kälter als das Kapital. Love is colder than…

  • Anna Kostreva

    Berlin. Eine Morphologie der Mauern. A Morphology of Walls

  • Emmett Williams

    An Anthology of Concrete Poetry

  • Junya Ishigami

    How Small? How Vast? How architecture grows

  • Pieterjan Grandry

    The Future of Architecture. What is the future of…

  • Beatriz Colomina

    Manifesto Architecture. The Ghost of Mies

  • Jens Müller (Ed.)

    Rolf Müller

  • Gill Perry

    Playing at Home. The House in Contemporary Art

  • Jennifer A.E. Shields

    Collage and Architecture

  • Gaßner, Kölle, Roettig (Ed.)

    Eva Hesse. One More Than One

  • Andreas Baur, Bernd Stiegler, Felix…

    Wozu Bilder? Gebrauchsweisen der Fotografie

On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung

The bilingual publication On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung uses the letters exchanged between Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt from 1925 and 1975 as a departure for a series of essays and conversations aiming to encourage a public debate on a difficult subject: the question of ethics and artistic production. The conceptual background is Arendt’s notion of “reconciliation” as an act of political judgment that, unlike revenge or forgiveness, can respond to wrongs in a way that fosters the political project of building and preserving a common world. In García’s view, Arendt not only formulated the concept of reconciliation to make bearable the world after the Second World War, but also to rationalize her unconditional loyalty to Heidegger (founded in youthful love) and her lifelong devotion to his oeuvre. Heidegger was infamously a member of the Nazi party and (arguably) the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, while Arendt was a German Jew who fled Europe to escape the Holocaust, later becoming an acclaimed social, historical, and political theorist.
Begun in the wake of the debate following the publication of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, the starting point for On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung was a commission by the Galerie frür Gegenwartskunst of E-Werk in Freiburg in 2016. Shortly after these cahiers shamelessly exposed the philosopher’s Anti-Semitism and Nazism, the University of Freiburg (where he had been rector at the beginning of the Nazi period) eliminated its Heidegger Chair in the Philosophy Department—though the cause was never made fully explicit. Articulated through various formats such as an exhibition, performances, public dialogues, and a publication developed in collaboration with K. Verlag, On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung approaches the following question: Should moral positions be demanded from authors (in addition to professional excellence), and should their failure to satisfy our (contemporary) ethical standards be a reason to dismiss their work completely?
A project by Dora García
With contributions by Dora García, Simon Asencio, Rebecka Katz Thor, Nikola Mirković, Anna-Sophie Springer, Mark Thomas, Yuliya A. Tsutserova, Etienne Turpin, and Adriano Wilfert Jensen; including facsimile reproductions of selected letters between Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger.
German translations by Herwig Engelmann; English translations by Kevin Kennedy and Andrew Shields. Design by Katharina Tauer.

Dora García (Ed.)
On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung
K. Verlag, 2019, 978-3-9818635-2-9
24,00 €