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  • Paul B. Preciado

    Ein Apartment auf dem Uranus. Chroniken eines Übergangs

  • Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer,…

    Degrowth in Movement(s). Exploring Pathways for…

  • Anita Chari, Claire Fontaine, Jaleh…

    Claire Fontaine. Newsfloor

  • Angela McRobbie

    Feminism and the Politics of Resilience. Essays on Gender,…

  • Gabriele Klein

    Pina Bausch’s Dance Theater. Company, Artistic Practices,…

  • Joachim Hamou, Maija Rudovska, Barbara…

    Active Art

  • Institut für Raumexperimente e.V.,…

    Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold

  • Larry D. Busbea

    The Responsive Environment. Design, Aesthetics, and the…

  • Katherine Guinness

    Schizogenesis. The Art of Rosemarie Trockel

  • Giorgio Agamben


  • Alain Badiou

    Migrants and Militants

  • Gregory Claeys

    Utopia. The History of an Idea

  • Frieda Grafe

    HaFI 011: Souvenirs, Ursprünge, Gefundene Fiktion /…

  • Etel Adnan

    Wir wurden kosmisch

  • D. R. McElroy

    Signs & Symbols of the World: Over 1,001 Visual Signs…

  • David Yaffe

    Joni Mitchell - Ein Porträt

  • Gloria Meynen

    Inseln und Meere. Zur Geschichte und Geografie fluider…

  • Leander Scholz

    Die Menge der Menschen

  • Jakob Hayner

    Warum Theater

  • Sylvia Lavin

    Architecture Itself and Other Postmodernist Myths

  • Alastair Hemmens, Gabriel Zacarias (Eds…

    The Situationist International. A Critical Handbook

  • Claudia Mareis, Michael Rottmann

    Entwerfen mit System

  • James Lovelock

    Novozän: Das kommende Zeitalter der Hyperintelligenz

  • Jane Bennett

    Lebhafte Materie. Eine politische Ökologie der Dinge

  • Naomi Hennig, Anna-Lena Wenzel (Hg.)

    General Public 2005-2015

  • Holger Schulze

    Ubiquitäre Literatur. Eine Partikelpoetik

  • Tom Bieling (Hg.)

    Gender (&) Design. Positionen zur Vergeschlechtlichung…

  • Oliver Flügel-Martinsen

    Radikale Demokratietheorien zur Einführung

  • Simon Rothöhler

    Theorien der Serie zur Einführung

  • Eugene Thacker

    Im Staub dieses Planeten: Horror der Philosophie

  • Peter Wilson

    Some Reasons For Traveling To Albania

  • Ulrich Bröckling

    Postheroische Helden. Ein Zeitbild

  • Hubertus Butin

    Kunstfälschung. Das betrügliche Objekt der Begierde

  • Deborah Potts

    Broken Cities. Inside the Global Housing Crisis

  • Günther Vogt, Thomas Kissling (Hg.)

    Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat

  • Markus Miessen, Zoë Ritts (Hg.)

    Para-Plattformen. Die Raumpolitik des Rechtspopulismus

  • Fischer, Gramelsberger, Hoffmann,…

    Datennaturen. Ein Gespräch zwischen Biologie, Kunst,…

  • Ludger Weß, Judith Schalansky (Hg.)

    Winzig, zäh und zahlreich. Ein Bakterienatlas

  • Felwine Sarr


  • Anna-Lisa Dieter, Viktoria Krason (Hg.)

    Future Food. Essen für die Welt von Morgen

  • Florian Malzacher

    Gesellschaftsspiele. Politisches Theater heute

  • HfG-Archiv Museum Ulm, Katharina Kurz,…

    Nicht mein Ding − Gender im Design

  • Clog

    Clog 17. Cannabis

  • Frédéric Gros

    Disobey! A Philosophy of Resistance

  • Hal Foster

    What Comes after Farce?

  • Tim Bergfelder, Erica Carter, Deniz…

    The German Cinema Book (second edition)

  • Dieuwertje Hehewerth

    Salticidae Icius - a Research on Independent Art Spaces and…

  • Sruti Bala

    The gestures of participatory art

  • Christopher Sweetapple, Hein-Jürgen Voß…

    Intersektionalität. Von der Antidiskriminierung zur…

  • Anneke Lubkowitz (Hg.)


  • Florian Hertweck (Hg.)

    Architektur auf gemeinsamem Boden. Positionen und Modelle…

  • Neyran Turan

    Architecture as Measure

  • Roger Paez

    Operative Mapping. Maps as Design Tools

  • Silvia Federici

    Jenseits unserer Haut. Körper als umkämpfter Ort im…

  • Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Franciska…

    Creativity Exercises. Emancipatory Pedagogies in Art and…

  • Bill Balaskas, Carolina Rito (Eds.)

    Institution as Praxis

  • Julian Hanna

    The Manifesto Handbook. 95 Theses on an Incendiary Form

  • Sandra Teitge (Hg)

    Goethe in the Skyways

  • Samantha Hardingham (ed.)

    Cedric Price Works 1958 - 2003. A Forward-Minded…

  • Markus Krajewski, Harun Maye (Hg)

    Universalenzyklopädie der menschlichen Klugheit

  • Matt Anniss

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  • Milo Sweedler

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  • HfG Ulm (Hg.)

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  • David Rattray

    How I Became One of the Invisible (New Edition)

  • Sarah T. Roberts

    Behind the Screen. Content Moderation in the Shadows of…

  • Jessica Bruder, Dale Maharidge

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  • Jungmyung Lee, Lieven Lahaye (eds.)

    Real-Time Realist #2: Typefaces don't care, Typefaces…

  • Oliver Ruf, Stefan Neuhaus (Hg.)

    Designästhetik. Theorie und soziale Praxis

  • Yasha Levine

    Surveillance Valley. The Secret Military History of the…

  • Sandra Umathum, Jan Deck (Hg)


  • Natasha Stagg

    Sleeveless. Fashion, Image, Media, New York 2011-2019

  • Kübra Gümüsay

    Sprache und Sein

  • Christine Schranz

    Augmented Spaces and Maps. Das Design von kartenbasierten…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 389. Feminist Moments: Thoughts on graphic design…

  • Patrick Cowley

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  • Ted Gioia

    Music - A Subversive History

  • Ernst Hubeli

    Die neue Krise der Städte

  • Mike Davis, Jon Wiener

    Set the Night on Fire - L.A. in the Sixties

  • Marietta Kesting, Maria Muhle, Jenny…

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  • Pablo Sendra, Richard Sennett

    Designing Disorder. Experiments and Disruptions in the City

  • Annette Michelson, Kenneth White (Eds.)

    October Files 24: Michael Snow

  • Isabelle Sully (Ed.)

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  • Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir, Mark Wilson,…

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  • George F.

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  • Nathaniel Coleman

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  • Marion Hohlfeldt, Frank Popper

    GRAV : Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel "…

  • Marilyn Chase

    Everything She Touched. The Life of Ruth Asawa

  • Robert B. Pippin

    Filmed Thought. Cinema as Reflective Form

  • Bernd M. Scherer (Hg.)

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  • Jennifer Clark

    Uneven Innovation. The Work of Smart Cities

  • David Scheller

    Demokratisierung der Postdemokratie. Städtische soziale…

  • Nezar AlSayyad, Mark Gillem, David…

    Whose Tradition? Discourses on the Built Environment

  • Sally Stein

    Migrant Mother, Migrant Gender

  • Jörg Johnen

    Marmor für alle. Zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Berlin

  • Daniel Buchholz, Christopher Müller (…

    Isa Genzken. Außenprojekte / Projects for Outside

  • Oreet Ashery (Ed.)

    How We Die Is How We Live Only More So

  • Ben Kafka

    The Demon of Writing. Powers and Failures of Paperwork

  • Sandra Hofmeister (Hg.)

    Snøhetta: Architektur Und Baudetails / Architecture and…

cover Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent

Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent

In 1976 the British band Throbbing Gristle emerged from the radical arts collective COUM Transmissions through core members Genesis P-Orridge and Cosey Fanni Tutti, joined by Hipgnosis photographer Peter Christopherson and electronics specialist Chris Carter. Though having performed previously in more low-key arts environments, their major launch coincided with the COUM retrospective exhibition Prostitution at London’s ICA gallery, showcasing and contextualising an array of challenging objects from COUM’s various actions in performance art and pornography. In a deliberately curated strategy inviting press, civic and arts dignitaries, extravagant followers of the nascent punk scene and music journalists, the band created an instant controversy and media panic that tapped into the restrictive climate and encroaching conservatism of late 1970s Britain. Any opportunities that were being explored by a formative punk ethos and movement around sex, censorship and transgression were amplified and exposed by Throbbing Gristle and Prostitution. An outraged Member of Parliament Nicholas Fairbairn took the bait and called the ensemble the ‘wreckers of civilisation’, providing the suitable newspaper headline that would be followed a month later by ‘the filth and the fury’ as the Sex Pistols uttered strong profanities on live television.

The switch from COUM to Throbbing Gristle encompassed a primary mode of expression in making music as opposed to art, to further coincide with the energy of the nascent punk scene. The band quickly developed a radically deviant and challenging reputation through pushing the punk format past its strictures in terms of lyrical themes, amateurism, and considerations of what constitutes music. Through a handful or record releases on their own label Industrial Records, and a sporadic string of live performances, the band nurtured a strong and devoted following including key journalists and fanzine editors of the punk and post-punk scenes such as Jon Savage and Sandy Robertson. The band’s style of exploring harsh pre-recorded sounds, samples of disconcerting narrative and conversation, and feeding all sounds through messy electronic processing devices gave rise to the title industrial music. This was further buttressed by performing a strictly timed set of one hour, and adopting a non-rockstar mode by appearing disinterested and preoccupied with electronic devices. Having given a name and impetus to the industrial music scene, many of their followers and fans formed bands in later years.

Drawing on works such as Andy Bennett’s When the Lights Went Out, this book looks at late 1970s Britain, before, during and immediately after the Winter of Discontent, to situate the activism of Throbbing Gristle in this time. It explores how the band worked in and against the time, and how they worked in and against punk as punk worked in and against the time and place. Punk acts as a mediating factor and nuisance value, as Throbbing Gristle emerged with punk in late 1976, seemingly grappled with it through 1977, and then went on to create and eventually criticise a number of post-punk scenes that had flourished around 1979. Trowell narrates the story through a series of live performances, as this is a point where Throbbing Gristle interact with the various city-scenes around England during their original period of operation (1975-1981). The band reflected (and incorporated into their live music) key tropes form the time, both ‘mainstream’ and fringe (subcultural, avant-garde art, counter-culture, taboo subjects, extremes) such that Throbbing Gristle events had an impact and affect, and Trowell traces these as a series of impressions and reverberations amongst fans who went on to do their own music and projects.

Ian Trowell
Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent
Intellect Books, 2023, 9781789388299
39,00 €