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  • Éric Alliez, Maurizio Lazzarato

    Wars and Capital

  • Doina Petrescu, Kim Trogal (Hg)

    The Social (Re)Production of Architecture. Politics, Values…

  • Flavien Menu

    New Commons for Europe

  • Sean Keller

    Automatic Architecture: Motivating Form After Modernism

  • Omar Kholeif

    Goodbye, World! Looking at Art in the Digital Age

  • Merlin Carpenter

    The Outside can´t go Outside

  • Pedro Gadanho (Ed.)

    Eco-Visionaries: Art, Architecture, and New Media after the…

  • Steven Shaviro

    Die Pinocchio Theorie

  • Ruth Artmonsky, Stella Harpley

    From Palaces to Pre-fabs: Pioneering Women Interior…

  • Bruno Giuliana

    Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture, and Film

  • GRAFT Architekten, Marianne Birthler (…

    Unbuilding Walls: Vom Todesstreifen zum freien Raum/From…

  • Tom Dyckhoff

    The Age of Spectacle: The Rise and Fall of Iconic…

  • Isabelle Graw

    The Love of Painting: Genealogy of a Success Medium

  • Ju Hee Hong

    European Art Book Fairs on the Shelf

  • B. Bergdoll, J. Massey (Eds.)

    Marcel Breuer: Building Global Institutions

  • Alison Green

    When Artists Curate. Contemporary Art and the Exhibition as…

  • Daniel Mettler, Daniel Studer (Hg.)

    Made of Beton

  • Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Hg.)

    Fahr Rad!: Die Rückeroberung der Stadt

  • Jonas Mekas

    Conversations with Film-Makers. Movie Journal Columns 1961…

  • Gigon, Guyer, Grämiger, Schlauri, Traut…


  • Robert Barry

    Die Musik der Zukunft

  • Donna J. Haraway

    Unruhig bleiben. Die Verwandtschaft der Arten im Chthuluzän

  • Ann M. Oberhauser , Risa Whitson , et.…

    Feminist Spaces: Gender and Geography in a Global Context

  • Michelle Volta

    Aber jetzt… denn Lieder bewirken viel. Smareazy 002

  • Monika Wagner

    Marmor und Asphalt. Soziale Oberflächen im Berlin des 20.…

  • Max Schumann (Ed.)

    A Book About Colab (and Related Activities)

  • Giorgio Agamben

    The Adventure

  • Jan Holten (Hg.)

    Ausstellen des Ausstellens: Von der Wunderkammer zur…

  • M. Kries, J. Eisenbrand, J. Rossi (Hg)

    Night Fever. Design und Clubkultur 1960 – heute

  • Robert Young, Irmin Schmidt

    All Gates Open: The Biography of Can

  • Julia Eckhardt (Ed.)

    Grounds for Possible Music

  • Wita Noack

    Mies van der Rohe. Schlicht und ergreifend. Landhaus Lemke

  • Donna Stonecipher

    Prose Poetry and the City

  • Jörg Petruschat

    Ungehorsam der Probleme

  • Sophie Wolfrum

    Porous City: From Metaphor to Urban Agenda

  • Anne Vogelpohl, Boris Michel, Henrik…

    Raumproduktionen II. Theoretische Kontroversen und…

  • Esra Akcan

    Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban…

  • King ADZ, Wilma Stone

    This is Not Fashion: Streetwear Past, Present and Future

  • L. Feireiss, M. Najjar (Eds.)

    Planetary Echoes. Exploring the Implications of Human…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 381. Transboundary Design. Perspective of Yoshihisa…

  • William Davies (Ed.)

    Economic Science Fictions

  • John Grindrod

    How to Love Brutalism

  • H. Doudova, St. Jacobs, P. Rössler (Hg)

    Image Factories: Infographics 1920-1945. Fritz Kahn, Otto…

  • Edward Eigen

    On Accident. Episodes in Architecture and Landscape

  • Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, Larry…

    Das Design Thinking Playbook: Mit traditionellen, aktuellen…

  • Oxana Timofeeva

    The History of Animals. An Essay On Negativity, Immanence…

  • Roberto Simanowski

    Stumme Medien. Vom Verschwinden der Computer in Bildung und…

  • Byung-Chul Han

    The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception and…

  • Alec Soth

    Sleeping by the Mississippi

  • Boris Groys

    Russian Cosmism

  • Jon Goodbun, Michael Klein, Andreas…

    Das Design der Knappheit (Studienhefte Problemorientiertes…

  • Ramia Mazé, Johan Redström

    Schwierige Formen. Kritische Praktiken im Design und in der…

  • Andreas Reckwitz

    Design im Kreativitätsdispositiv (Studienhefte…

  • Sonja Hnilica

    Der Glaube an das Grosse in der Architektur der Moderne:…

  • Alison Hugill (Ed.)

    Co-machines. The Mobile Disruptive Architecture

  • Jeffrey Lieber

    Flintstone Modernism. Or the Crisis in Postwar American…

  • Tithi Bhattacharya (Ed.)

    Social Reproduction Theory. Remapping Class, Recentering…

  • Dominik Landwehr

    Machines and Robots (Edition Digital Culture 5)

  • Alexi Kukuljevic

    Liquidation World: On the Art of Living Absently

  • Barbara Wittmann

    Werkzeuge des Entwerfens

  • B. Groß, H. Bohnacker, J. Laub

    Generative Gestaltung: Creative Coding im Web Entwerfen,…

  • Carlos Basualdo (Ed.)

    William Kentridge. Triumphs and Laments

  • Salomon Frausto

    Necessarily Eurometropolitan

  • Damon Krukowski

    The New Analog: Listening and Reconnecting in a Digital…

  • Brandon LaBelle

    Sonic Agency. Sound and Emergent Forms of Resistance

  • Nicolas Wackerbarth, Marcus Seibert (Hg…

    Filmfunke. 50 Jahre DFFB / Film Sparks. 50 Years of DFFB

  • KW KunstWerke, Anna Gritz (Hg)

    Judith Hopf. A Reader

  • Kenny Cupers, Markus Miessen (Hg)

    Spaces of Uncertainty - Berlin revisited: Potenziale…

  • Katja Aßmann, Markus Bader, Fiona…

    Explorations in Urban Practice. Urban School Ruhr Series.…

  • Kathleen James-Chakraborty

    Modernism as Memory: Building Identity in the Federal…

  • Christoph Metzger


  • Rainer Hehl, Ludwig Engel (Hg)

    Transtopia: Wie wir städtische Transformation gestalten

  • Isabell Lorey

    Immer Ärger mit dem Subjekt. Theoretische und politische…

  • Jan de Heer, Kees Tazelaar

    From Harmony to Chaos - Le Corbusier, Varese, Xenakis. and…

  • a+t 48

    Complex Buildings. Generators, Linkers, Mixers &…

  • a+t 49

    Complex Buildings. Dwelling Mixers

  • Glenn Phillips, Phillip Kaiser, Doris…

    Harald Szeemann. Museum der Obsessionen

  • Fred Moten

    Black and Blur (Consent Not to Be a Single Being)

  • Philipp Oswalt (Ed.)

    Flying Plaza. Work Journal. The artist practice of Studio…

  • Holger Schulze

    The Sonic Persona. An Anthropology of Sound

  • Maurizio Lazzarato

    Experimental Politics: Work, Welfare, and Creativity in the…

  • Anitra Nelson

    Small is Necessary. Shared Living on a Shared Planet

  • Lorenzo Ciccarelli

    Renzo Piano Before Renzo Piano

  • Diane Barbé, Anne-Katrin Fenk, Rachel…

    Things Don’t Really Exist Until You Give Them a Name:…

  • Jennifer Liese (Ed.)

    Social Medium: Artists Writing, 2000 - 2015

  • P. Brugellis, G. Pettena, A. Salvadori…

    Radical Utopias - Archizoom, Buti, 9999, Pettena,…

  • Sjoerd van Tuinen

    Speculative Art Histories. Analysis at the Limits

  • MoneyLab

    Reader 2: Overcoming the Hype

  • Museum Marta Herford (Hg.)

    Max Bill: ohne Anfang, ohne Ende. No Beginning, No End

  • Diane Barbé, Anne-Katrin Fenk, Rachel…

    Talking Cities. Urban narratives from Dar es Salaam and…

  • M. Rebecchi, E. Vogman

    Sergei Eisenstein and the Anthropology of Rhythm

  • Alexander Kluge

    Gärten der Kooperation / Gardens of Cooperation

  • Krystian Woznicki

    Fugitive Belonging

  • Casa da Arquitetura


  • Andreas Rumpfhuber (Ed.)

    Into the Great Wide Open

  • Molly Wright Steenson

    Architectural Intelligence

  • P. Gadanho, J. Laia, S. Ventura (Eds.)

    Utopia/Dystopia. A Paradigm Shift in Art and Architecture

  • Bettina Allamoda

    Spandex Studies

Cover Hold The Sound. Notes On Auditories

Hold The Sound. Notes On Auditories

Authors: Agus Nur Amal PMTOH, Aio Frei, Alisa Oleva, Andrew Norman Wilson, Ben Rivers, Bertrand Bacqué, Camille Llobet, Daniel Deshays, Daphne Xanthopoulou, David Horvitz, Eleni Ikoniadou, Haroon Mirza, Hildegard Westerkamp, Jan Steinbach, Jean-Paul Felley, Justine Stella Knuchel, Kevin B. Lee, Lauren Tortil, Marie Losier, Marina Rosenfeld, Nina Dragičević, Philippe Ciompi, Pierre Leguillon, Samson Young, Sarah Brahim, Simone Merli, Stephan Crasneanscki, Tomoko Sauvage
Editors: Jan Steinbach, Justine Stella Knuchel
Can you hold a sound? This book experiments with giving tangible form to something seemingly immaterial. Within these pages, you will find a collection of thoughts on sound gathered by artists and researchers, each attempting to grasp sound’s fleeting nature through verbal and visual expressions.

What are auditories? The plural of “auditory” emphasizes that there is no one way of hearing, and that hearing is not an isolated activity. For the inaugural presentation of the library, we reached out to artists and writers encountered during our investi­gations into books on sound. We gathered quotations about auditories that have inspired them. Collected here, they assemble a multitude of voices, offering thought-provoking ideas, introductions, and modes of access to the auditories that concern them.

With contributions by Agus Nur Amal PMTOH, Aio Frei, Alisa Oleva, Andrew Norman Wilson, Ben Rivers, Bertrand Bacqué, Camille Llobet, Daniel Deshays, Daphne Xanthopoulou, David Horvitz, Eleni Ikoniadou, Haroon Mirza, Hildegard Westerkamp, Jan Steinbach, Jean-Paul Felley, Justine Stella Knuchel, Kevin B. Lee, Lauren Tortil, Marie Losier, Marina Rosenfeld, Nina Dragičević, Philippe Ciompi, Pierre Leguillon, Samson Young, Sarah Brahim, Simone Merli, Stefano Knuchel, Stephan Crasneanscki, and Tomoko Sauvage.

Featuring quotes from Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Brandon LaBelle, Daniel Deshays, David George Haskell, David Horvitz, David Toop, Eliane Radigue, Gavin Steingo & Jim Sykes, Gilles Deleuze, Jason Stanyek & Benjamin Piekut, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jenny Odell, John Cage, John Hull, Lucia Farinati & Claudia Firth, Mannie Fresh, Marshall McLuhan, Michael Stocker, Mosab Abu Toha, Pierre Leguillon, Rajni Shah,

Jan Steinbach, Justine Stella Knuchel (Eds.)
Hold The Sound. Notes On Auditories
BaseCamp, Inexistent Books, 2024, 978-3-907251-30-0
7,60 €