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  • Cathleen Chaffee (Hg.)

    Introducing Tony Conrad: A Retrospective

  • Bruno Carvalho, Mariana Cavalcanti and…

    Occupy All Streets: Olympic Urbanism and Contested Futures…

  • Tom Angotti, Sylvia Morse

    Zoned Out! Race, Displacement, and City Planning in New…

  • Terreform (Hg.)

    Letters to the Leaders of China: Kongjian Yu and the Future…

  • Deen Sharp, Claire Panetta (Eds.)

    Beyond the Square: Urbanism and the Arab Uprisings

  • Jennifer Corby

    Adventures in Modernism: Thinking with Marshall Berman

  • Flypaper #4:

    Nicole Eisenman: Conscious Razing

  • Lynette A. Jones

    Haptics (Mit Press Essential Knowledge)

  • A. Janevski, R. Marcoci, K. Nouril (Hg)

    Art and Theory of Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe: A…

  • M. Kries, A. Klein, A. Clarke (Hg)

    Victor Papanek. The Politics of Design

  • Merve Emre (Ed.)

    Once and Future Feminist

  • Andreas Brandolini


  • Jacek Slaski

    Gespräche mit Genialen Dilletanten

  • M. Bruet, E. King, S. Shabahzi, F. Sigg

    Color Library. Research into Color Reproduction and Printing

  • Monika Grubbauer, Kate Shaw (Eds.)

    Across Theory and Practice: Thinking Through Urban Research

  • Ursula Block, Michael Glasmeier

    Broken Music: Artists' Recordworks

  • A. Mircev (Ed.)

    O Plesu I Iz(a) Plesa

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 383. YELLOW PAGES: Mapping Graphic Design Project in…

  • 2G n. 77

    Arrhov Frick

  • B. Groys, A. Vidokle (Hg.)


  • Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Hg.)

    Social Design. Partizipation und Empowerment

  • Lydia Kallipoliti

    The Architecture of Closed Worlds, or, What is the Power of…

  • B. Wittner, S. Thoma, T. Hartmann (Hg.)

    Bi-Scriptual: Typography and Graphic Design with Multiple…

  • John Byrne

    The Constituent Museum: Constellations of Knowledge,…

  • Chimurenga, Edjabe, Pieterse (Hg)

    African Cities Reader (III)

  • Lisa Vollmer

    Strategien gegen Gentrifizierung

  • Kollektiv Orangotango+

    This Is Not an Atlas: A Global Collection of Counter-…

  • Martina Löw

    Vom Raum aus die Stadt denken: Grundlagen einer…

  • Bettina Allamoda (Hg.)

    Model Map - zur Kartographie einer Architektur am Beispiel…

  • Mark Miodownik

    Liquid: The Delightful and Dangerous Substances That Flow…

  • C. Alfaro, P. Rowe, C. Cardinal

    Form and Pedagogy: The Design of the University City in…

  • Rem Koolhaas, Irma Boom

    Elements of Architecture

  • Max Haiven

    Art after Money, Money after Art: Creative Strategies…

  • Hiba Bou Akar

    For the War yet to Come. Planning Beirut's Frontiers

  • Omar Sosa, Nacho Alegre, Marco Velardi

    The World of Apartamento. Ten Years of Everyday Life…

  • Claudia Kromrei

    Postmodern Berlin. Wohnbauten der 80er Jahre. Residential…

  • Catwalk To History - A Sourcebook.…

    Bettina Allamoda

  • Kunsthalle Wien (Ed.)

    I'm Isa Genzken, the Only Female Fool

  • Omar Kholeif

    The Artists Who Will Change the World

  • F. Campagna, T. Morton

    Technic and Magic: The Reconstruction of Reality

  • Murmurae (Paula Cobo-Guevarra, Manuela…

    Situating Ourselves in Displacement: Conditions,…

  • Philipp Ekardt

    Toward Fewer Images. The Work of Alexander Kluge

  • Damon Murray (Ed.)

    Brutal Bloc. Post Cards

  • Donald Niebyl

    Spomenik Monument Database

  • Fred Moten

    The Universal Machine

  • Fred Moten

    Stolen Life

  • Axel, Colomina, Hirsch, Lee, Wigley, (…

    Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity

  • Cornelia Sollfrank (Hg)

    Die schönen Kriegerinnen. Technofeministische Praxis im 21…

  • Raimund Minichbauer

    Facebook entkommen

  • Javier Tapia

    Monte Carlo Club

  • A+U 429

    Housing Currents

  • Michal Siarek


  • A+U 428

    Implementing Architecture. Cornell and the Education of…

  • Dominic Bradbury

    The Iconic House: Architectural Masterworks Since 1900

  • Christian Wassmann

    Sun Path House and Other Cosmic Architectures

  • Paper Monument

    Draw it with your Eyes Closed. The art of the art…

  • Femke de Vries

    Fashioning Value - Undressing Ornament: A critical study of…

  • Giovanna Borasi (Hg.)

    Besides, History: Go Hasegawa, Kersten Geers, David Van…

  • Alice Rawsthorn

    Design as an Attitude

  • Karl-Magnus Johansson (Ed.)


  • Armen Avanessian, Mohan Moalemi (Hg.)


  • Owen Hatherley

    Trans-Europe Express: Tours of a Lost Continent

  • Markus Breitschmid

    Nicht-Referenzielle Architektur: Gedacht von Valerio Olgiati

  • David Stubbs

    Mars by 1980. The Story of Electronic Music

  • James Hoff, Marian Kaiser

    "" #2 James Hoff / Marian Kaiser

  • GCC

    "" #4 Internal Affairs 2013 - 2018

  • Badlands Unlimited

    "" #5 Badlands Unlimited (Act 1)

  • Jonathan Jimenez


  • Steffen Richter, Andreas Rötzer (Hg.)

    Dritte Natur: Technik Kapital Umwelt

  • Tamie Glass

    Prompt: Socially Engaging Objects and Environments

  • David Blamey, Brad Haylock (Eds.)


  • St. Lanz, St. Peter, K. Wildner (Hg.)

    Sun City Nowosibirsk: Transformationen einer sibirischen…

  • Max Allen

    Ideas That Matter. The Worlds of Jane Jacobs

  • David Grubbs

    Now that the audience is assembled

  • Perspecta 50

    Urban Divides

  • C. Bock, U. Pappenberger, J. Stollmann…

    Das Kotti-Prinzip. Urbane Komplizenschaften zwischen Räumen…

  • Junya Ishigami

    Freeing Architecture

  • Debra Benita Shaw

    Posthuman Urbanism. Mapping Bodies in Contemporary City…

  • Geoffroy de Lagasnerie

    Denken in einer schlechten Welt

  • Jean Molitor

    bau1haus - die moderne in der welt. modernism around the…

  • Maura Reilly

    Curatorial Activism. Towards an Ethics of Curating

  • Vincent Meessen

    The Other Country. L'autre Pays

  • Sparke, Brown, Lara-Betancourt, Lee,…

    Flow. Interior, Landscape, and Architecture in the Era of…

  • Dexter Sinister

    A Short Account of the Library. (Everyday the Urge Gets…

  • Cassim Shephard

    Citymakers. The Culture and Craft of Practical Urbanism

  • Aileen Burns, Tara McDowell, Johan…

    The Artist As Producer, Quarry, Thread, Director, Writer,…

  • Delft Architectural Studies on Housing

    From Dwelling to Dwelling: Radical Housing Transformation

  • U. Berger, T. Pavel (Hg)

    Barcelona Pavillon /Barcelona Pavilion: Mies van der Rohe…

  • Thomas Düllo, Holger Schulze, Florian…

    Was erzählt Pop?

  • D. Bartetzko, K. Berkemann (Hg)

    märklinMODERNE: Vom Bau zum Bausatz und zurück

  • Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk

    The Standard Book of Noun-Verb Exhibition

  • Brent D. Ryan

    The Largest Art. A Measured Manifesto for a Plural Urbanism

  • Éric Alliez, Maurizio Lazzarato

    Wars and Capital

  • Doina Petrescu, Kim Trogal (Hg)

    The Social (Re)Production of Architecture. Politics, Values…

  • Flavien Menu

    New Commons for Europe

  • Sean Keller

    Automatic Architecture: Motivating Form After Modernism

  • Omar Kholeif

    Goodbye, World! Looking at Art in the Digital Age

  • Merlin Carpenter

    The Outside can´t go Outside

How Institutions Think. Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse

Reflections on how institutions inform art, curatorial, educational, and research practices while they shape the world around us.
Contemporary art and curatorial work, and the institutions that house them, have often been centers of power, hierarchy, control, value, and discipline. Even the most progressive among them face the dilemma of existing as institutionalized anti-institutions. This anthology--taking its title from Mary Douglas's 1986 book, How Institutions Think--reconsiders the practices, habits, models, and rhetoric of the institution and the anti-institution in contemporary art and curating. Contributors reflect upon how institutions inform art, curatorial, educational, and research practices as much as they shape the world around us. They consider the institution as an object ofienquiry across many disciplines, including political theory, organizational science, and sociology.
Bringing together an international and multidisciplinary group of writers, How Institutions Think addresses such questions as whether institution building is still possible, feasible, or desirable; if there are emergent institutional models for progressive art and curatorial research practices; and how we can establish ethical principles and build our institutions accordingly. The first part, "Thinking via Institution," moves from the particular to the general; the second part, "Thinking about Institution," considers broader questions about the nature of institutional frameworks.
Contributors includeNatasa Petresin Bachelez, Dave Beech, Melanie Bouteloup, Nikita Yingqian Cai, Binna Choi and Annette Kraus, Pip Day, Clementine Deliss, Keller Easterling and Andrea Phillips, Bassam El Baroni, Charles Esche, Patricia Falguieres, Patrick D. Flores, Marina Grzinic, Stefano Harney, Alhena Katsof, Emily Pethick, Sarah Pierce, Zahia Rahmani, Moses Serubiri, Simon Sheikh, Mick Wilson

O'Neill, Steeds, Wilson (Eds.)
How Institutions Think. Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse
MIT Press, 2017, 978-0-262-53432-1