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  • Thomas Crow

    The Long March Of Pop. Art Music and Design 1930-1995

  • Chris Kraus

    Torpor (Roman)

  • Gerald Raunig

    DIVIDUUM. Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare…

  • Marc James Léger (Ed.)

    The Idea of the Avant Garde And What It Means Today

  • Jean-Luc Godard

    Jean-Luc Godard/JLG: Selbstporträt im Dezember

  • Dombois, Fliescher, Mersch, Rintz (Hg.)

    Ästhetisches Denken. Nicht-Propositionalität, Episteme,…

  • Megan Francis Sullivan

    Zipper Keeper 2015

  • Emily Pugh

    Architecture, Politics, and Identity in Divided Berlin

  • Markus Grob

    Dächerstreit: Flachdach/Steildach

  • Klingan, Sepahvand, Rosol, Scherer (Eds…

    Textures of The Anthropocene. Grain Vapor Ray

  • Siegfried Kracauer

    The Past's Threshold. Essays on Photography

  • Philip Jodidio

    Cabins. Hütten. Cabanes

  • Space Caviar (Eds.)

    SQM. The Quantified Home: An exploration of the evolving…

  • testcard #24

    Bug Report. Digital war besser

  • T'ai Smith

    Bauhaus Weaving Theory. From Feminine Craft to Mode of…

  • Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim…

    Affordable Living. Housing for Everyone

  • Slavoj Zizek

    Trouble in Paradise. From the End of History to the End of…

  • Renée Green

    Other Planes of There

  • Stephen Grabow, Kent Spreckelmeyer

    The Architecture of Use. Aesthetics and Function in…

  • Pedro Gadanho (Ed.)

    Uneven Growth. Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities

  • Seth Price

    Folklore U.S.

  • Manfred Hermes

    Hystericizing Germany

  • Peter von Bagh (Hg.)

    Aki Kaurismäki über Kaurismäki

  • Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. (Ed.)

    Utopien vermeiden. Avoiding Utopias

  • Metahaven

    Can Jokes Bring Down Governments? Memes, Design and…

  • Amy Brandt

    Interplay. Neoconceptual Art of the 1980s

  • Francesca Hughes

    The Architecture of Error. Matter, Measure, and the…

  • Spyros Papapetros, Julian Rose (Eds.)

    Retracing the Expanded Field

  • Felix Denk, Sven von Thülen

    Der Klang der Familie: Berlin, Techno and the Fall of the…

  • Joachim Fischer, Dierk Spreen

    Soziologie der Weltraumfahrt

  • Sächsische Akademie der Künste, Dresden…

    Labor der Moderne. Nachkriegsarchitektur in Europa.…

  • Tim Stüttgen


  • Francesco Garutti (Ed.)

    Fairland. Explorations, Insights and Outlooks on the Future…

  • Scott McFarland

    Shacks, Snow, Streets, Shrubs

  • Dante Bini

    Building with Air

  • Birgit Mennel, Stefan Nowotny (Hg.)

    Die Sprachen der Banlieues

  • Precarias a la Deriva

    Was ist dein Streik? Militante Streifzüge durch die…

  • Nora Schultz

    Portikus Printing Plant and Portikus Sounds

  • Joseph Becker, Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher…

    Lebbeus Woods, Architect

  • Binna Choi, Maiko Tanaka (Hg)

    The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook

  • Boris Kralj

    My Belgrade (2nd Edition)

  • Frances Stracey

    Constructed Situations. A New History of the Situationist…

  • Latek, Paviol, Simond, Very (Eds.)

    In situ – de visu – in motu. Architecture, cinéma et arts…

  • Neil Spiller, Nic Clear (Eds.)

    Educating Architects. How Tomorrow's Practitioners…

  • Josiah McElheny, Christine Burgin

    Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!! A Paul Scheerbart Reader

  • Tsitsi Ella Jaji

    Africa in Stereo. Modernism, Music, And Pan-African…

  • Stephen Barber

    Performance Projections. Film and The Body in Action

  • AndresLepik, Very Simone Bader (Hg)

    Lina Bo Bardi 100. Brasiliens alternativer Weg in die…

  • Rüdiger Esch

    ElectriCity. Elektronische Musik aus Düsseldorf

  • Thomas Thiel (Ed.)

    Museum Off Museum

  • Cornelai Butler, Luis Perez-Oramas

    Lygia Clark. The Abandonment of Art

  • Catriona Gray

    Fifties House. House & Garden

  • Jenn Joy

    The Choreographic

  • Robert Hamelijnck, Nienke Terpsma (Eds.)

    It's Playtime

  • Mark Leckey

    The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things

  • Nicolas Bruno Jacquet

    Le Langage Hypermoderne de l'Architecture

  • Gertrud Lehnert, Alicia Kühl, Katja…

    Modetheorie. Klassische Texte aus vier Jahrhunderten

  • Katharina Eck, Astrid Silvia Schänhagen

    Interieur und Bildtapete. Narrative des Wohnens um 1800

  • Boelen / Z33, Sacchetti (Eds.)

    Designing Everyday Life

  • Stefan Gandl

    Neubau Forst Catalogue

  • Anthony Downey

    Art and Politics Now

  • Jörg H. Gleiter (Hg.)

    Symptom Design. Vom Zeigen und Sich-Zeigen der Dinge

  • Negative (Ed.)

    Auto - Self-representation and Digital Photography

  • Alessandra Mauro (Ed.)

    Photoshow. Landmark Exhibitions that Defined the History of…

  • Chloé Griffin (Ed.)

    Edgewise. A Picture of Cookie Mueller

  • Discoteca Flaming Star, J. P. Raether (…

    Zeig her, Führ vor, Tausch ein: Performance - Art -…

  • Daniel Wrana, Alexander Ziem, et al. (…

    DiskursNetz. Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären…

  • Maria Lind, What, How & for Whom/…

    Art and the F Word. Reflections on the Browning of Europe

  • Teresa Calonje (Ed.)

    Live Forever. Collecting Live Art

  • Mary Christian (Ed.)

    Shigeru Ban. Humanitarian Architecture

  • Raphaëlle Saint-Pierre

    Villas 60-70 en France

  • Claire Zimmerman

    Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century

  • Olesya Turkina

    Soviet Space Dogs

  • Nicholas Thomas

    Body Art

  • Susanne Witzgall, Kerstin Stakemeier (…

    Macht des Materials / Politik der Materialität

  • Jörg H. Gleiter

    Ornament Today. Digital Material Structural

  • Mladen Dolar

    His Master's Voice. Eine Theorie der Stimme

  • Jonathan Crary

    24/7: Schlaflos im Spätkapitalismus

  • Fulcrum (Ed.)

    Real Estates. Life without Debt

  • Sylvie Estrada

    Setting the Scene - Exploring Set Design

  • Andrew Feenberg

    The Philosophy Of Praxis: Marx, Lukács And The Frankfurt…

  • Mark von Schlegell

    Ickles, Etc. Critical Spatial Practice 5

  • François Laruelle

    Non-Photographie / Photo-Fiktion

  • Adolph Stiller

    Spätmoderne Slowakei. Gebaute Ideologie

  • Simon Starling


  • Thomas Ruff

    Zeitungsfotos / Newspaper Photographs

  • Denna Jones

    Architecture. The Whole Story

  • L. Feireiss, R. Klanten

    Imagine Architecture. Artistic Visions of the Urban Realm

  • Fred Dewey

    The School of Public Life

  • Ronald Rietveld, Erik Rietveld

    Vacancy Studies. Experiments & Strategic Interventions…

  • Jacques Rancière

    Die Lektion Althussers

  • Liss C. Werner

    [En]Coding Architecture - The Book

  • Andrea Kroksnes (Ed.)

    Grip friheten! Take Liberty!

  • Bruno Latour

    Existenzweisen. Eine Anthropologie der Modernen

  • Candide. Journal for Architectural…

    No. 8

  • Fabien Bellat

    Amériques / URSS. Architectures du Défi

  • Elke Gaugele (Hg)

    Aesthetic Politics in Fashion

  • Katja Eydel

    Katja Eydel. Schattenfuge / Shadow Gap

On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung

The bilingual publication On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung uses the letters exchanged between Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt from 1925 and 1975 as a departure for a series of essays and conversations aiming to encourage a public debate on a difficult subject: the question of ethics and artistic production. The conceptual background is Arendt’s notion of “reconciliation” as an act of political judgment that, unlike revenge or forgiveness, can respond to wrongs in a way that fosters the political project of building and preserving a common world. In García’s view, Arendt not only formulated the concept of reconciliation to make bearable the world after the Second World War, but also to rationalize her unconditional loyalty to Heidegger (founded in youthful love) and her lifelong devotion to his oeuvre. Heidegger was infamously a member of the Nazi party and (arguably) the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, while Arendt was a German Jew who fled Europe to escape the Holocaust, later becoming an acclaimed social, historical, and political theorist.
Begun in the wake of the debate following the publication of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, the starting point for On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung was a commission by the Galerie frür Gegenwartskunst of E-Werk in Freiburg in 2016. Shortly after these cahiers shamelessly exposed the philosopher’s Anti-Semitism and Nazism, the University of Freiburg (where he had been rector at the beginning of the Nazi period) eliminated its Heidegger Chair in the Philosophy Department—though the cause was never made fully explicit. Articulated through various formats such as an exhibition, performances, public dialogues, and a publication developed in collaboration with K. Verlag, On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung approaches the following question: Should moral positions be demanded from authors (in addition to professional excellence), and should their failure to satisfy our (contemporary) ethical standards be a reason to dismiss their work completely?
A project by Dora García
With contributions by Dora García, Simon Asencio, Rebecka Katz Thor, Nikola Mirković, Anna-Sophie Springer, Mark Thomas, Yuliya A. Tsutserova, Etienne Turpin, and Adriano Wilfert Jensen; including facsimile reproductions of selected letters between Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger.
German translations by Herwig Engelmann; English translations by Kevin Kennedy and Andrew Shields. Design by Katharina Tauer.

Dora García (Ed.)
On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung
K. Verlag, 2019, 978-3-9818635-2-9
24,00 €