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  • bell hooks

    Männer, Männlichkeit und Liebe

  • Angela Million, Christian Haid, Ignacio…

    Spatial Transformations. Kaleidoscopic Perspectives on the…

  • Saidiya Hartman

    Diese bittere Erde (ist womöglich nicht, was sie scheint)

  • Simone Forti

    Simone Forti. Handbook in Motion. An Account of an Ongoing…

  • Paul Dobraszcyk

    Architecture and Anarchism. Building without Authority

  • Elke Genzel, Pamela Voigt

    BUCH ZWEI. Leben in Kunststoffbauten

  • Marie-Luise Angerer

    Nichtbewusst. Affektive Kurzschlüsse zwischen Psyche und…

  • Martin Eberle

    Hi Schatz!

  • Ernesto Laclau

    Die populistische Vernunft

  • Desiree Förster

    Aesthetic Experience of Metabolic Processes

  • Brandon LaBelle

    Dreamtime X

  • Israel Martínez

    Dead People Whispering to Us

  • Rodrigo Karmy Bolton

    The Future Is Inherited: Fragments of a Chile in Revolt

  • Ina Wudtke

    Worker Writers / Arbeiterschriftsteller:innen

  • Ekaterina Degot, David Riff, Jan Sowa (…

    Perverse decolonisation? (Deutsche Ausg.)

  • The Otolith Group, Megs Morley (Hg)

    Xenogenesis. The Otolith Group (Anjalika Sagar, Kodwo Eshun)

  • Karin Krauthausen, Rebekka Ladewig (Hg.)

    Modell Hütte. Von emergenten Strukturen, schützender Haut…

  • Edited by Michèle Leloup, Cyrille…

    The Wood That Makes Our City

  • Lars Henrik Gass (Hg.)

    Hellmuth Costard. Das Wirkliche war zum Modell geworden

  • Peter Swinnen, Nikolaus Hirsch

    A.J. Lode Janssens 1,47 mbar

  • Juliane Rebentisch

    Der Streit um Pluralität. Auseinandersetzungen mit Hannah…

  • Helke Sander

    I like chaos, but I don’t know, whether chaos likes me

  • Viction Workshop (Hg.)

    More Is More: Designing Bigger, Bolder, Brighter

  • Cristina Baldacci, Clio Nicastro,…

    Over and Over and Over Again Reenactment Strategies in…

  • Pauline Agustoni, Satomi Minoshima

    Craft Portrait: Dorozome

  • Nick Axel, Nicholas Korody (eds)

    Babyn Yar. Past, Present, Future

  • Brian Massumi

    Couplets. Travels in Speculative Pragmatism

  • Justin Joquue

    Revolutionary Mathematics. Artificial Intelligence,…

  • Melissa Anderson

    Inland Empire

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 246. Zeitgenössische feministische Raumpraxis

  • Alexander Galloway

    Uncomputable. Play and Politics in the Long Digital Age

  • Friedrich Balke, Bernhard Siegert,…

    Kleine Formen – Archiv für Mediengeschichte, Bd. 19

  • Ekaterina Degot, David Riff, Jan Sowa (…

    Perverse decolonisation? (English Ed.)

  • Hanka van der Voet, Johannes Reponen (…

    Warehouse Review 002, A Review of Reviews

  • Elizabeth Wilson

    Eingeweide, Pillen, Feminismus

  • Christiane Paul (Hg)

    A Companion to Digital Art (Blackwell Companions to Art…

  • Mariana Pestana, Sumitra Upham, Billie…

    Empathy Revisited. Designs for more than one

  • McKenzie Wark

    Philosophy for Spiders. On the Low Theory of Kathy Acker

  • Olivia Horsfall Turner, Simona…

    An Alphabet of Architectural Models

  • David Graeber, David Wengrow

    Anfänge. Eine neue Geschichte der Menschheit

  • Natasha Ginwala, Gal Kirn, Niloufar…

    Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound

  • Patrick Syme, Abraham Gottlob Werner

    Werners Nomenklatur der Farben. Angepasst an Zoologie,…

  • Carla Lonzi


  • Wolfgang Tillmans

    Schall ist flüssig (mumok)

  • Kolja Möller (Hg)

    Populismus. Ein Reader

  • Alexander Kluge

    Das Buch der Kommentare. Unruhiger Garten der Seele

  • Alexander Kluge

    Zirkus / Kommentar

  • Natalie Donat-Cattin

    Collective Processes. Counterpractices in European…

  • Philipp Schönthaler

    Die Automatisierung des Schreibens & Gegenprogramme der…

  • Marie Rotkopf, Marcus Steinweg

    Fetzen. Für eine Philosophie der Entschleierung

  • Alan Licht

    Common Tones. Selected Interviews with Artists and…

  • Barbara Penner, Adrian Forty, Olivia…

    Extinct. A Compendium of Obsolete Objects

  • Stephan Geene

    Freiheit 71. Ricky Shayne, Musik und die Materialität des…

  • Stephan Gregory

    Die kühle Kamera. Witz und Melancholie der seriellen…

  • Philipp Ekardt

    Benjamin on Fashion

  • Laurie Cluitmans (Ed.)

    On The Necessity Of Gardening. An Abc Of Art, Botany And…

  • Aljosa Dekleva (Ed.)

    AA nanotourism Visiting School: Vienna, Austria 2020

  • Helen Westgeest & Kitty Zijlmans (…

    Mix & Stir. New Outlooks on Contemporary Art from…

  • Arno Brandlhuber, Florian Hertweck,…

    The Dialogic City. Berlin wird Berlin

  • Martin Barner

    Tools for Men-with-Feminist-Ambitions

  • Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Philipp Hanke…

    Queeres Kino / Queere Ästhetiken als Dokumentationen des…

  • Andrej Holm (Hg.)

    Wohnen zwischen Markt, Staat und Gesellschaft. Ein…

  • Moisés Puente (Ed.)

    2G 83. Smiljan Radic

  • Florian Malzacher, Jonas Staal (Eds.)

    Training for the Future. Handbook

  • Andrej Holm

    Objekt der Rendite. Zur Wohnungsfrage und was Engels noch…

  • Vanessa Grossman, Ciro Miguel (Hg)

    Everyday Matters. Contemporary Approaches to Architecture

  • Karin Berkemann (Hg.)

    Das Ende der Moderne? Unterwegs zu einer…

  • Amber Husain

    Replace Me

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 396. Explore Color Design. Digital Color and the…

  • Lisa Beißwanger

    Performance on Display. Zur Geschichte lebendiger Kunst im…

  • Janne Gärtner, Anne Waak

    Aus einem Land vor unserer Zeit. Die Kinder von Kleinwelka

  • Sven Quadflieg

    Mit erhobener Faust. Die Ästhetik des Protests und die…

  • Rosi Braidotti

    Posthuman Feminism

  • -archaicstudio, Anja Dotter

    image [im-ij] \ ˈim-ij \

  • Jens Müller

    A5/10: Collecting Graphic Design – Die Archivierung des…

  • Judith Butler

    Sinn und Sinnlichkeit des Subjekts

  • Andrew Herscher, Daniel Bertrand Monk

    The Global Shelter Imaginary: IKEA Humanitarianism and…

  • Matthew Hockenberry, Nicole…

    Assembly Codes. The Logistics of Media

  • Elizabeth A. Povinelli

    Between Gaia and Ground: Four Axioms of Existence and the…

  • Rosa Barba

    On the Anarchic Organization of Cinematic Spaces

  • Marcus Quent

    Gegenwartskunst. Konstruktionen der Zeit

  • Napoleone Ferrari, Michelangelo Sabatino

    Carlo Mollino. Architect and Storyteller

  • Stefan Jung / Marcus Stiglegger (Hrsg.)

    Berlin Visionen. Filmische Stadtbilder seit 1980

  • Urban-Think Tank (Ed.)

    The Architect and the City: Ideology, Idealism, and…

  • Saâdane Afif

    Morceaux choisis – A Monograph

  • Birgit Schlieps, Hanne Loreck (Hg)

    Aktau. Bildphänomene einer Plattenbaustadt in der…

  • Anne König (Ed.)

    Jonas Mekas. I Seem to Live. The New York Diaries. Vol 2.…

  • John Robinson

    Famous for Fifteen People. The Songs of Momus 1982-1995

  • Linda Peake, Elsa Koleth, Gokboru Sarp…

    A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time. Rethinking Social…

  • Stephan Lanz

    Das Regieren der Favela. Gewaltherrschaft, Populärkultur…

  • Tom Avermaete, Janina Gosseye

    Urban Design in the 20th Century. A History

  • Moisés Puente (Ed.)

    Lacaton & Vassal. Free space, transformation, habiter

  • Anselm Franke, Heinz Emigholz, HKW (Eds…

    Counter Gravity - Die Filme von Heinz Emigholz

  • Maryam Jafri, Nina Tabassomi

    Maryam Jafri. Independence Days

  • Adam Pendleton, Alec Mapes-Frances (Eds…

    Adam Pendleton. Pasts, Futures, and Aftermaths: Revisiting…

  • Georg W. Bertram, Stefan Deines, Daniel…

    Die Kunst und die Künste. Ein Kompendium zur Kunsttheorie…

  • Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Claus-Steffen…

    Perspektiven der Musikphilosophie

  • Judith Butler

    Marx ökologisch. Pariser Marxlektüren

Tresor: True Stories: The Early Years

Tresor: True Stories is the first printed excavation of Tresor’s legendary history. Digging deeply into its rich archives, the venerable institution has unearthed countless treasures from its over three-decade old history. Over 400 never before seen photographs, flyers, faxes and other artefacts illustrate a story that intersects with the most important social and musical trend in the modern history of Berlin. The story is told with the voices of those that were there - over 40 protagonists like Dimitri Hegemann, Paul Hockenos and Regina Baer, share their first-hand reminiscences of the ‘big bang’ that launched techno into the world. Through the story of Tresor, the book charts the heady days of 80s West Berlin through to the explosion of new energy that midwifed in the new social reality of reunified Germany. This is a unique and essential printed monument to the institution that changed electronic music forever, and the city that allowed it to exist.
Also available in German.

Tresor: True Stories: The Early Years
Tresor, 2022, ‎9783985954773