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  • Donika Luzhnica & Jonas König (ed.)

    Prishtina in 53 Buildings

  • Elena Biserna (Ed)

    Walking from Scores

  • Tsvetelina Hristova, Brett Neilson and…

    Data Farms. Circuits, Labour, Territory

  • Lenka Veselá (Ed.)

    Synthetic Becoming

  • Stavros Stavrides, Penny Travlou (Eds)

    Housing as Commons. Housing Alternatives as Response to the…

  • Christiane Rösinger

    Was jetzt kommt. Christiane Rösinger. Ausgewählte Songtexte

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli, Martino Tattara

    Dogma. Living and Working

  • Baburov, Djumenton, Gutnov, Kharitonova…

    The Ideal Communist City

  • Briana J. Smith

    Free Berlin. Art, Urban Politics, and Everyday Life

  • Hg. Oliver Clemens, Jesko Fezer, Kim…

    An Architektur Archive

  • Andri Gerber, Martin Tschanz (Hg)

    Sprengkraft Raum. Architektur um 1970 von Esther und Rudolf…

  • Christian Dehli, Andrea Grolimund

    Kazuo Shinohara: The Umbrella House Project

  • Boris Groys

    Becoming an Artwork

  • DeForrest Brown, Jr.

    Assembling a Black Counter Culture

  • George Papam, Phevos Kallitsis, David…

    The Beach Machine. Making and Operating the Mediterranean…

  • Yuma Shinohara, Andreas Ruby (Hg.)

    Make Do With Now: New directions in Japanese Architecture

  • Zara Pfeifer

    ICC Berlin. Zara Pfeifer

  • Florian Heilmeyer, Sandra Hofmeister (…

    Berlin. Urbane Architektur und Alltag seit 2009

  • CuratorLab (Ed.)

    Assuming Asymmetries. Conversations on Curating Public Art…

  • Michael Rawson

    The Nature of Tomorrow. A History of the Environmental…

  • András Szántó

    Imagining the Future Museum. 21 Dialogues with Architects

  • Hiuwai Chu, Meagan Down, Nkule Mabaso,…

    CLIMATE. Our Right to Breathe

  • Patricia Ribault

    Design, Gestaltung, Formatività

  • Martina Baum, Markus Vogl (Hg.)

    Täglich. Warum wir Öffentlichkeit, öffentlichen Raum und…

  • Stuart Hyatt, Janneane Blevins &…

    Stations. Listening to the Deep Earth

  • Anne Davidian, Laurent Jeanpierre (Eds.)

    What Makes an Assembly? Stories, Experiments, and Inquiries

  • Ingo Offermanns (Ed.) Dokho Shin &…

    Graphic Design Is (...) Not Innocent: Scrutinizing Visual…

  • Silke Langenberg (Hg.)

    Upgrade: Making Things Better

  • Christiane Sauer, Mareike Stoll, Ebba…

    Architectures of Weaving

  • Wilfried Wang (Hg.)

    On the Duty and Power of Architectural Criticism

  • Christian Sander

    Claude Parent, Paul Virilio - Architecture Principe. Formen…

  • Marie-France Rafael

    Passing Images. Art in the Post-Digital Age

  • Mohsen Mostafavi (ed)

    Manfredo Tafuri. Modern Architecture in Japan

  • Material Cultures

    Material Cultures: Material Reform. Building for a Post-…

  • Leonhard Laupichler & Sophia…

    New Aesthetic 3. A Collection of Experimental and…

  • Sven Lütticken

    Art and Autonomy. A Critical Reader

  • Christian Brox (Brox+1)

    BERLIN POSSIBILITY. Rave in Ruinen. Clubkultur 1990 bis…

  • Florian Strob (Hg.)

    Architect of Letters. Reading Hilberseimer

  • Wolfgang Thöner, Florian Strob, Andreas…

    Linke Waffe Kunst. Die Kommunistische Studentenfraktion am…

  • bell hooks

    Dazugehören. Über eine Kultur der Verortung

  • Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen,…

    The Office of Good Intentions. Human(s) Work

  • Peter Kiefer, Michael Zwenzner (Hg.)

    Exhibiting SoundArt

  • Jesko Fezer

    Umstrittene Methoden. Architekturdiskurse der…

  • Angelika Juppien, Richard Zemp,…

    Atlas des Dazwischenwohnens. Wohnbedürfnisse jenseits der…

  • Joerg Franzbecker, Naomi Hennig,…

    X Properties. Berliner Hefte zu Geschichte und Gegenwart…

  • Lauren Berlant

    On the Inconvenience of Other People

  • Stefano Harney, Fred Moten

    Allseits unvollkommen. Plantokratie und schwarzes Studium

  • Lucius Burckhardt

    Gerade noch gutgegangen. Fünf Jahrzehnte Planungskritik

  • Vittoria Pavesi (Hg)

    The Missing Planet. Visions and Re-Visions of Soviet Times

  • Gottfried Schnödl, Florian Sprenger

    Uexkülls Umgebungen. Umweltlehre und rechtes Denken

  • Gottfried Schnödl, Florian Sprenger

    Uexküll's Surroundings. Umwelt Theory and Right-Wing…

  • Charles L. Davis II

    Building Character.The Racial Politics of Modern…

  • Teddy Cruz, Fonna Forman

    Spatializing Justice. Building Blocks

  • Jacopo Galimberti

    Images of Class. Operaismo, Autonomia and the Visual Arts (…

  • Frida Grahn (Hg.)

    Denise Scott Brown. In Other Eyes. Portraits of an Architect

  • Dagmar Pelger

    Spatial Commons. Zur Vergemeinschaftung urbaner Räume

  • Michael Franz, Fabian Ginsberg (Hg.)

    Strategien der Aufstandsbekämpfung. Kunst

  • David Sim

    Sanfte Stadt. Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag

  • Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck

    LAVA Laboratory for Visionary Architecture. What If

  • Hannah Black

    Tuesday or September or the End

  • Adrienne Buller, Mathew Lawrence

    Owning the Future. Power and Property in the Age of Crisis

  • Sianne Ngai

    Das Niedliche und der Gimmick. Zwei ästhetische Kategorien

  • Mathias Denecke, Holger Kuhn, Milan…

    Liquidity, Flows, Circulation. The Cultural Logic of…

  • Bernard Fibicher (Hg)

    Resistance Anew: Artworks, Culture, & Democracy (…

  • Reto Geiser, Michael Kubo (Hg)

    Futures of the Architectural Exhibition.

  • Institute for Postnatural Studies

    Compost Reader

  • Benjamin Bratton

    Die Realität schlägt zurück. Politik für eine…

  • Rolf Lindner

    In einer Welt von Fremden. Eine Anthropolgie der Stadt

  • Lorenzo Fabian & Ludovico Centis

    The lake of Venice. A scenario for Venice and its lagoon

  • Peter Osborne

    Crisis as Form

  • Leslie Kern

    Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 249. Learning Spaces

  • Ergül Cengiz, Burcu Dogramaci, Philipp…

    Exzentrische 80er: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen,…

  • Omar Kasmani, Matthias Lüthjohann,…

    Nothing Personal?! Essays on Affect, Gender and Queerness

  • Sinthujan Varatharajah, Hilal Moshtari

    Englisch in Berlin. English in Berlin

  • Ina Blom

    Houses to Die In. And Other Essays on Art

  • Erik Spiekermann

    Stop Stealing Sheep & Find out how type works. 4th…

  • Luka Holmegaard


  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 399. In the Design Field, Today: Thought and Practice…

  • Verena von Beckerath, Barbara Schönig (…

    Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad. Eine Wohnung mit Optionen

  • Tresor

    Tresor: True Stories: The Early Years

  • Alexis Hyman Wolff, Achim Lengerer,…

    Berliner Hefte zu Geschichte und Gegenwart der Stadt #9. Am…

  • Philippine Hoegen (Ed.)

    In these circumstances. On collaboration, perfomativity,…

  • Emanuele Coccia

    Das Zuhause. Philosophie eines scheinbar vertrauten Ortes

  • Jeanne Gerrity, Anthony Huberman (Eds.)

    What happens between the knots? A Series of Open Questions…

  • Beatrice von Bismarck

    The Curatorial Condition

  • Dimitra Kondylatou, Milica Ivic, David…

    Architectures of Healing. Cure through Sleep, Touch, and…

  • Warren Neidich (Ed)

    An Activist Neuroaesthetics Reader

  • gestalten, ArchDaily, Rosie Flanagan,…

    The ArchDaily Guide to Good Architecture. The Now and How…

  • B. B. Jensen, H. Ibelings (eds.)

    Provocations Against Perfectionism: The Architecture of…

  • Hanka van der Voet (ed.)

    Press & Fold #2: "Resistance" (Notes on…

  • François Bonnet, Bartolomé Sanson (eds.)

    Spectres III. Ghosts in the Machine / Fantômes dans la…

  • Jack Clarke & Sami Hammana (Hg)

    The Geofinancial Lexicon

  • Kerstin Honeit, Fiona McGovern (Hg.)

    Kerstin Honeit. Voice Works Voice Strikes

  • Claudia Rankine

    On Whiteness. The Racial Imaginary Institute

  • Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen (Hg)

    Wie Vergesellschaftung gelingt. Zum Stand der Debatte

  • Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán,…

    Radical Pedagogies

  • Anouchka Grose, Robert Brewer Young

    Uneasy Listening. Notes on Hearing & Being Heard


Rod Serling, creator of the 1950s television series The Twilight Zone, defined science fiction as "the improbable made possible." The same might be said for the practice of architecture. After all, architects by trade conceive of spaces, places, and worlds that do not (yet) exist. Furthermore, the ability to make the improbable possible is held in especially high regard today and is oftentimes what defines an architectural practice as “innovative” in the first place.
It is therefore not surprising that a two-way artistic influence between architecture and science fiction has long existed. Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis depicted a future world in 2026 that drew heavily on contemporary art deco and Modernist building precedents. On the other hand, avant-garde 1960s design practices such as Archigram openly adopted concepts and representation techniques from postwar pulp science fiction. Most recently, a number of designs from significant international offices have exhibited a striking resemblance to science fiction icons, such as the Death Star, demonstrating the impact this genre has had on the creative imagination of a generation.
The feedback loop between fiction and reality remains strong today, with kilometer-high towers rising in the Middle East, new building materials emerging on a seemingly daily basis, and unconventional—if not outright bizarre—shapes blanketing our cities and countrysides. As science fiction continues to both draw upon historic and contemporary architecture while simultaneously influencing future design, it is time to critically examine the improbable made possible: SCI-FI.
3.4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, After Architecture, Jared Banks, Katy Barkan, Sean Burkholder, Conner Callahan and Shana Opperman, Ryan Church, Matthew Clarke, Archie Lee Coates IV, Nathaniel Coleman, Eric De Broche Des Combes, Greg Cook, Mark Dermul, Kyle Dugdale, Jeffrey Franklin, Pedro Gadanho, Scott Geiger, Ricardo Gonçalves, Reinier de Graaf, Alpna Gupta, Patrick J. Gyger, Dalia Hamati, Sara Hayat, Brian Horrigan, Julia van den Hout, Kellen Qiaolun Huang, Justin Hui, Interiors, Andy C. Jenkins, Matthew Johnson, Damjan Jovanovic, Klaus, Joseph Kosinski, Simon Kristak, Jimenez Lai, Stephanie Lee, Sally L. Levine and Daniel I. Vieyra, Thomas Lozada, Alan Lucey, Luis Miguel (Koldo) Lus Arana, Casey Mack, John Marciante, Kyle May, Ian McAlpin, Craig William McCormack, Kimberly McGuire, Matthew Messner, Movingcities, Thomas Mical, Leo Mulvehill, Dan Newman, Matt Novak, Roberto Otero, Luke Pearson, Cyrus Penarroyo, Emmanuel Petit, Enrique Ramirez, Jacob Reidel, Doctor Laser, Fred Scharmen, Kyle Schumann, Neal Shasore, Dominik Sigg, SOFTlab, Rachel Meade Smith, Jason Vigneri-Beane, William Watson, Nathaniel Walker, Liam Young

Clog, 2013, 9780983820468