North Drive Press. NDP Nr. 2
Since 2004 North Drive Press has provided hundreds of artists and arts practitioners with the opportunity to produce and cheaply distribute new works in multiple form. The annual publication has included 7″ records, posters, books, ready-mades, soap, temporary tattoos, photographs, perfume, and more. Interviews and texts—a core part of the project—are conversational, experimental, and available on our website for free download.
Beginning with NDP#2, Susan Barber became the art director of North Drive Press. After initial discussions, the vinyl envelope was exchanged for a cardboard box that worked with both the loose-leaf ethos of NDP and more pragmatic concerns such as shelving and space to include more content, especially the myriad multiples created specifically for the project.
Editor Matt Kegan
Contributors David Altmejd, Cynthia Girard, Fia Backström, Seth Price, Beth Campbell, Thomas Zummer, CUNY Students, Jessica Dickinson, Min Kim, Sara Greenberger, Carol Bove, Erik Hanson, Keith Mayerson, Jamie Isenstein, Adam Putnam, Jesse Bransford, Lisi Raskin, Marc Handelman, Gedi Sibony, Tom Johnson, Molly Smith, Siobhan Liddell, Reuben Margolin, Dan Torop, Lesley Vance, Ricky Swallow
Design Su Barber