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  • Reto Geiser, Michael Kubo (Hg)

    Futures of the Architectural Exhibition.

  • Institute for Postnatural Studies

    Compost Reader

  • Benjamin Bratton

    Die Realität schlägt zurück. Politik für eine…

  • Rolf Lindner

    In einer Welt von Fremden. Eine Anthropolgie der Stadt

  • Lorenzo Fabian & Ludovico Centis

    The lake of Venice. A scenario for Venice and its lagoon

  • Peter Osborne

    Crisis as Form

  • Leslie Kern

    Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 249. Learning Spaces

  • Ergül Cengiz, Burcu Dogramaci, Philipp…

    Exzentrische 80er: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen,…

  • Omar Kasmani, Matthias Lüthjohann,…

    Nothing Personal?! Essays on Affect, Gender and Queerness

  • Sinthujan Varatharajah, Hilal Moshtari

    Englisch in Berlin. English in Berlin

  • Ina Blom

    Houses to Die In. And Other Essays on Art

  • Erik Spiekermann

    Stop Stealing Sheep & Find out how type works. 4th…

  • Luka Holmegaard


  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 399. In the Design Field, Today: Thought and Practice…

  • Verena von Beckerath, Barbara Schönig (…

    Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad. Eine Wohnung mit Optionen

  • Tresor

    Tresor: True Stories: The Early Years

  • Alexis Hyman Wolff, Achim Lengerer,…

    Berliner Hefte zu Geschichte und Gegenwart der Stadt #9. Am…

  • Philippine Hoegen (Ed.)

    In these circumstances. On collaboration, perfomativity,…

  • Emanuele Coccia

    Das Zuhause. Philosophie eines scheinbar vertrauten Ortes

  • Jeanne Gerrity, Anthony Huberman (Eds.)

    What happens between the knots? A Series of Open Questions…

  • Beatrice von Bismarck

    The Curatorial Condition

  • Dimitra Kondylatou, Milica Ivic, David…

    Architectures of Healing. Cure through Sleep, Touch, and…

  • Warren Neidich (Ed)

    An Activist Neuroaesthetics Reader

  • gestalten, ArchDaily, Rosie Flanagan,…

    The ArchDaily Guide to Good Architecture. The Now and How…

  • B. B. Jensen, H. Ibelings (eds.)

    Provocations Against Perfectionism: The Architecture of…

  • Hanka van der Voet (ed.)

    Press & Fold #2: "Resistance" (Notes on…

  • François Bonnet, Bartolomé Sanson (eds.)

    Spectres III. Ghosts in the Machine / Fantômes dans la…

  • Jack Clarke & Sami Hammana (Hg)

    The Geofinancial Lexicon

  • Kerstin Honeit, Fiona McGovern (Hg.)

    Kerstin Honeit. Voice Works Voice Strikes

  • Claudia Rankine

    On Whiteness. The Racial Imaginary Institute

  • Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen (Hg)

    Wie Vergesellschaftung gelingt. Zum Stand der Debatte

  • Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán,…

    Radical Pedagogies

  • Anouchka Grose, Robert Brewer Young

    Uneasy Listening. Notes on Hearing & Being Heard

  • Ursula Schulz-Dornburg

    Huts, Temples, Castles

  • Paulo Moreira (Ed.)

    Critical Neighbourhoods. The Architecture of Contested…

  • Muñoz Sanz, V., Thomidou, A., eds.

    Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny

  • Francesca Gotti, Jacopo Leveratto,…

    The Design of Tactics. Critical Practices Transforming…

  • Thomas Piketty

    Eine kurze Geschichte der Gleichheit

  • Mary Pepchinski, Christina Budde (eds.)

    Women Architects and Politics. Intersections between Gender…

  • Ayala Levin

    Architecture and Development. Israeli Construction in Sub-…

  • Chantal Akerman

    Meine Mutter lacht

  • AbdouMaliq Simone

    The Surrounds. Urban Life within and beyond Capture

  • Ash Amin, Michele Lancione (Hg)

    Grammars of the Urban Ground

  • Geert Lovink

    In der Plattformfalle. Plädoyer zur Rückeroberung des…

  • Camillo Boano, Cristina Bianchetti (eds…

    Lifelines. Politics, Ethics, and the Affective Economy of…

  • Joshua Neves, Aleena Chia, Susanna…


  • Simon Lamunière (ed.)

    Open House. Designing Spaces for Living / Concevoir des…

  • Heike Eipeldauer, Franz Thalmair (Hg.)

    Kollaborationen. Künstlergruppen, kollaboratives Arbeiten…

  • Andrew Zitcer

    Practicing Cooperation. Mutual Aid beyond Capitalism

  • Florian Kaiser, Guobin Shen

    Florian Kaiser and Guobin Shen. Unfertige Häuser 未完的建築 (…

  • Caroline Ballegaard, Lara Nelke,…

    Uncanny Entrepreneurship

  • Vera Hofmann, Johannes Euler, Linus…

    Commoning Art. Die transformativen Potenziale von Commons…

  • Mary Otis Stevens, Thomas McNulty

    World of Variation

  • Darjan Hill, Nicole Lachenmeier

    Visualizing Complexity. Handbuch modulares…

  • Moisés Puente

    2G 85. Leopold Banchini

  • Jeffrey S. Nesbit

    Nature of Enclosure

  • Graham Crist & John Doyle

    Supertight. Models for Living and Making Culture in Dense…

  • Noam Benatar

    Yiddish Displayed. A Typographic Experiment Through the…

  • Carla Ferrer, Thomas Hildebrand, Celina…

    Touch Wood. Material, Architektur, Zukunft

  • James Bridle

    Ways of Being. Beyond Human Intelligence

  • Uwe Bresan, Wolfgang Voigt

    Schwule Architekten - Gay Architects: Verschwiegene…

  • Günter Behnisch

    Über Architektur. Vorträge und Schriften von Günter…

  • Melanie Kurz, Thilo Schwer

    Raster, Regeln, Ratio. Systematiken und Normungen im Design…

  • Werner Sobek

    non nobis - über das Bauen in der Zukunft. Band 1: Ausgehen…

  • Frank Barkow, Philip Ursprung, Ludwig…

    Barkow Leibinger. Revolutions of Choice

  • Alex Coles, Catharine Rossi (Eds.)

    Post-craft. EP Vol. 3

  • Elizabeth Povinelli

    Routes / Worlds

  • Volker Pantenburg

    Aggregatzustände bewegter Bilder

  • Oxana Timofeeva, Anja Dagmar…

    Heimat. Eine Gebrauchsanweisung

  • Tom Avermaete, Maxime Zaugg (Eds)

    Agadir. Building the Modern Afropolis

  • Boaz Levin, Esther Ruelfs, Tulga…

    Mining Photography. Der ökologische Fussabdruck der…

  • Stefan Römer

    DeConceptualize - Zur Dekonstruktion des Konzeptuellen in…

  • Harald R. Stühlinger

    Casa Kalman. Luigi Snozzi

  • FHNW Institut Architektur, Annette…

    Beyond Concrete. Strategien für eine postfossile Baukultur…

  • Jana Vanecek

    ID9606/2a-c. Dispositive eines Virus

  • Johannes Salim Ismaiel-Wendt, Andi…

    Postcolonial Repercussions. On Sound Ontologies and…

  • Sue Spaid

    The Philosophy of Curatorial Practice: Between Work and…

  • Ehling, Grothus, Jung, Kemmerich (Hg)

    10 Jahre Hambacher Forst. #Hambibleibt 2012 - 2022

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 248. Stuttgart. Die produktive Stadtregion und die…

  • Mark Smoot

    HUTS. The Vanishing Rural Traditions and Vernacular…

  • Raffaela Lackner / Ina Sattlegger /…

    Günther Domenig. Dimensional. In Resonanz. In Resonance. V…

  • Malte Uchtmann

    Ankommen. Über die Architektur von Flüchtlingsunterkünften…

  • Hélène Frichot, Adrià Carbonell, Hannes…

    Infrastructural Love. Caring for Our Architectural Support…

  • Eldritch Priest

    Earworm and Event. Music, Daydreams, and Other Imaginary…

  • Ben Tarnoff

    Internet for the People. The Fight for Our Digital Future.…

  • Matthias Bernt

    The Commodification Gap. Gentrification and Public Policy…

  • Joseph Altshuler, Julia Sedlock

    Creatures Are Stirring. A Guide to Architectural…

  • Jason Toney (ed.)

    Take the City. Voices of Radical Municipalism

  • Domenico Quaranta

    Surfing with Satoshi. Art, Blockchain and NFTs

  • Marijke Goeting

    Fast, Fluid, Fragmented. Art and Design in the Digital Age

  • Francisco Moura Veiga (ed.)

    Typology of Intimacy. An Emotional Catalog of Booths

  • Sarah Demeuse (Ed.)

    Bande à part. On Independent Art Institutions

  • Angie Keefer (Ed.)

    Yale: History of an Art School

  • Victoria Horne, Lara Perry (eds)

    Feminism and Art History Now. Radical Critiques of Theory…

  • Justin Patch, Thomas Porcello

    Re-Making Sound: An Experiential Approach to Sound Studies

  • Niklas Maak

    Servermanifest. Architektur der Aufklärung: Data Center als…

  • ruangrupa (Hg.)

    documenta fifteen Handbuch

Irene V. Small. The Organic Line. Toward a Topology of Modernism

The Organic Line

Toward a Topology of Modernism

What would it mean to treat an interval of space as a line, thus drawing an empty void into a constellation of art and meaning-laden things? In this book, Irene Small elucidates the signal discovery of the Brazilian artist Lygia Clark in 1954: a fissure of space between material elements that Clark called “the organic line.” For much of the history of art, Clark’s discovery, much like the organic line, has escaped legibility. Once recognized, however, the line has seismic repercussions for rethinking foundational concepts such as mark, limit, surface, and edge. A spatial cavity that binds discrepant entities together, the organic line transforms planes into flexible topologies, borders into membranes, and interstices into points of connection. As a paradigm, the organic line has profound historiographic implications as well, inviting us to set aside traditional notions of influence and origin in favor of what Small terms weak links and plagiotropic relations. These fragile, oblique, and transversal ties have their own efficacy, and Small’s innovative readings of canonical modernist works such as Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square, John Cage’s 4’33”, and Le Corbusier’s machine-à-habiter, as well as contemporary works by such artists as Adam Pendleton, Ricardo Basbaum, and Mika Rottenberg, reveal the organic line’s remarkable potential as an analytic instrument. Mobilizing a rich repertoire of archival sources and moving across multiple chronologies, geographies, and disciplines, this book invites us to envision modernism not as a stable construct defined by centers and peripheries, inclusions and exclusions, but as a topological field of interactive, destabilizing tensions. More than a history of a little-known artistic device, The Organic Line: Toward a Topology of Modernism is a user’s guide and manifesto for reimagining modern and contemporary art for the present.

Irene V. Small
The Organic Line

Toward a Topology of Modernism

Zone Books, 2024, 978-1-890951-99-3
45,60 €