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  • Stuart Hyatt, Janneane Blevins &…

    Stations. Listening to the Deep Earth

  • Anne Davidian, Laurent Jeanpierre (Eds.)

    What Makes an Assembly? Stories, Experiments, and Inquiries

  • Ingo Offermanns (Ed.) Dokho Shin &…

    Graphic Design Is (...) Not Innocent: Scrutinizing Visual…

  • Silke Langenberg (Hg.)

    Upgrade: Making Things Better

  • Christiane Sauer, Mareike Stoll, Ebba…

    Architectures of Weaving

  • Wilfried Wang (Hg.)

    On the Duty and Power of Architectural Criticism

  • Christian Sander

    Claude Parent, Paul Virilio - Architecture Principe. Formen…

  • Marie-France Rafael

    Passing Images. Art in the Post-Digital Age

  • Mohsen Mostafavi (ed)

    Manfredo Tafuri. Modern Architecture in Japan

  • Material Cultures

    Material Cultures: Material Reform. Building for a Post-…

  • Leonhard Laupichler & Sophia…

    New Aesthetic 3. A Collection of Experimental and…

  • Sven Lütticken

    Art and Autonomy. A Critical Reader

  • Christian Brox (Brox+1)

    BERLIN POSSIBILITY. Rave in Ruinen. Clubkultur 1990 bis…

  • Florian Strob (Hg.)

    Architect of Letters. Reading Hilberseimer

  • Wolfgang Thöner, Florian Strob, Andreas…

    Linke Waffe Kunst. Die Kommunistische Studentenfraktion am…

  • Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen,…

    The Office of Good Intentions. Human(s) Work

  • Peter Kiefer, Michael Zwenzner (Hg.)

    Exhibiting SoundArt

  • Jesko Fezer

    Umstrittene Methoden. Architekturdiskurse der…

  • Angelika Juppien, Richard Zemp,…

    Atlas des Dazwischenwohnens. Wohnbedürfnisse jenseits der…

  • Joerg Franzbecker, Naomi Hennig,…

    X Properties. Berliner Hefte zu Geschichte und Gegenwart…

  • Lauren Berlant

    On the Inconvenience of Other People

  • Stefano Harney, Fred Moten

    Allseits unvollkommen. Plantokratie und schwarzes Studium

  • Lucius Burckhardt

    Gerade noch gutgegangen. Fünf Jahrzehnte Planungskritik

  • Vittoria Pavesi (Hg)

    The Missing Planet. Visions and Re-Visions of Soviet Times

  • Gottfried Schnödl, Florian Sprenger

    Uexkülls Umgebungen. Umweltlehre und rechtes Denken

  • Gottfried Schnödl, Florian Sprenger

    Uexküll's Surroundings. Umwelt Theory and Right-Wing…

  • Charles L. Davis II

    Building Character.The Racial Politics of Modern…

  • Teddy Cruz, Fonna Forman

    Spatializing Justice. Building Blocks

  • Jacopo Galimberti

    Images of Class. Operaismo, Autonomia and the Visual Arts (…

  • Frida Grahn (Hg.)

    Denise Scott Brown. In Other Eyes. Portraits of an Architect

  • Dagmar Pelger

    Spatial Commons. Zur Vergemeinschaftung urbaner Räume

  • Michael Franz, Fabian Ginsberg (Hg.)

    Strategien der Aufstandsbekämpfung. Kunst

  • David Sim

    Sanfte Stadt. Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag

  • Hannah Black

    Tuesday or September or the End

  • Adrienne Buller, Mathew Lawrence

    Owning the Future. Power and Property in the Age of Crisis

  • Sianne Ngai

    Das Niedliche und der Gimmick. Zwei ästhetische Kategorien

  • Mathias Denecke, Holger Kuhn, Milan…

    Liquidity, Flows, Circulation. The Cultural Logic of…

  • Bernard Fibicher (Hg)

    Resistance Anew: Artworks, Culture, & Democracy (…

  • Reto Geiser, Michael Kubo (Hg)

    Futures of the Architectural Exhibition.

  • Institute for Postnatural Studies

    Compost Reader

  • Benjamin Bratton

    Die Realität schlägt zurück. Politik für eine…

  • Rolf Lindner

    In einer Welt von Fremden. Eine Anthropolgie der Stadt

  • Lorenzo Fabian & Ludovico Centis

    The lake of Venice. A scenario for Venice and its lagoon

  • Peter Osborne

    Crisis as Form

  • Leslie Kern

    Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 249. Learning Spaces

  • Ergül Cengiz, Burcu Dogramaci, Philipp…

    Exzentrische 80er: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen,…

  • Omar Kasmani, Matthias Lüthjohann,…

    Nothing Personal?! Essays on Affect, Gender and Queerness

  • Sinthujan Varatharajah, Hilal Moshtari

    Englisch in Berlin. English in Berlin

  • Ina Blom

    Houses to Die In. And Other Essays on Art

  • Erik Spiekermann

    Stop Stealing Sheep & Find out how type works. 4th…

  • Luka Holmegaard


  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 399. In the Design Field, Today: Thought and Practice…

  • Verena von Beckerath, Barbara Schönig (…

    Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad. Eine Wohnung mit Optionen

  • Tresor

    Tresor: True Stories: The Early Years

  • Alexis Hyman Wolff, Achim Lengerer,…

    Berliner Hefte zu Geschichte und Gegenwart der Stadt #9. Am…

  • Philippine Hoegen (Ed.)

    In these circumstances. On collaboration, perfomativity,…

  • Emanuele Coccia

    Das Zuhause. Philosophie eines scheinbar vertrauten Ortes

  • Jeanne Gerrity, Anthony Huberman (Eds.)

    What happens between the knots? A Series of Open Questions…

  • Beatrice von Bismarck

    The Curatorial Condition

  • Dimitra Kondylatou, Milica Ivic, David…

    Architectures of Healing. Cure through Sleep, Touch, and…

  • Warren Neidich (Ed)

    An Activist Neuroaesthetics Reader

  • gestalten, ArchDaily, Rosie Flanagan,…

    The ArchDaily Guide to Good Architecture. The Now and How…

  • B. B. Jensen, H. Ibelings (eds.)

    Provocations Against Perfectionism: The Architecture of…

  • Hanka van der Voet (ed.)

    Press & Fold #2: "Resistance" (Notes on…

  • François Bonnet, Bartolomé Sanson (eds.)

    Spectres III. Ghosts in the Machine / Fantômes dans la…

  • Jack Clarke & Sami Hammana (Hg)

    The Geofinancial Lexicon

  • Kerstin Honeit, Fiona McGovern (Hg.)

    Kerstin Honeit. Voice Works Voice Strikes

  • Claudia Rankine

    On Whiteness. The Racial Imaginary Institute

  • Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen (Hg)

    Wie Vergesellschaftung gelingt. Zum Stand der Debatte

  • Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán,…

    Radical Pedagogies

  • Anouchka Grose, Robert Brewer Young

    Uneasy Listening. Notes on Hearing & Being Heard

  • Ursula Schulz-Dornburg

    Huts, Temples, Castles

  • Paulo Moreira (Ed.)

    Critical Neighbourhoods. The Architecture of Contested…

  • Muñoz Sanz, V., Thomidou, A., eds.

    Roadside Picnics: Encounters with the Uncanny

  • Francesca Gotti, Jacopo Leveratto,…

    The Design of Tactics. Critical Practices Transforming…

  • Thomas Piketty

    Eine kurze Geschichte der Gleichheit

  • Mary Pepchinski, Christina Budde (eds.)

    Women Architects and Politics. Intersections between Gender…

  • Ayala Levin

    Architecture and Development. Israeli Construction in Sub-…

  • Chantal Akerman

    Meine Mutter lacht

  • AbdouMaliq Simone

    The Surrounds. Urban Life within and beyond Capture

  • Ash Amin, Michele Lancione (Hg)

    Grammars of the Urban Ground

  • Geert Lovink

    In der Plattformfalle. Plädoyer zur Rückeroberung des…

  • Camillo Boano, Cristina Bianchetti (eds…

    Lifelines. Politics, Ethics, and the Affective Economy of…

  • Joshua Neves, Aleena Chia, Susanna…


  • Simon Lamunière (ed.)

    Open House. Designing Spaces for Living / Concevoir des…

  • Heike Eipeldauer, Franz Thalmair (Hg.)

    Kollaborationen. Künstlergruppen, kollaboratives Arbeiten…

  • Andrew Zitcer

    Practicing Cooperation. Mutual Aid beyond Capitalism

  • Florian Kaiser, Guobin Shen

    Florian Kaiser and Guobin Shen. Unfertige Häuser 未完的建築 (…

  • Caroline Ballegaard, Lara Nelke,…

    Uncanny Entrepreneurship

  • Vera Hofmann, Johannes Euler, Linus…

    Commoning Art. Die transformativen Potenziale von Commons…

  • Mary Otis Stevens, Thomas McNulty

    World of Variation

  • Darjan Hill, Nicole Lachenmeier

    Visualizing Complexity. Handbuch modulares…

  • Moisés Puente

    2G 85. Leopold Banchini

  • Jeffrey S. Nesbit

    Nature of Enclosure

  • Graham Crist & John Doyle

    Supertight. Models for Living and Making Culture in Dense…

  • Noam Benatar

    Yiddish Displayed. A Typographic Experiment Through the…

  • Carla Ferrer, Thomas Hildebrand, Celina…

    Touch Wood. Material, Architektur, Zukunft

Passing Images. Art in the Post-Digital Age

Since the 2010s, the line between public and private, online and offline have increasingly become blurred by digitalization and social media. In contemporary art, digitality has assumed a new type of presence—no longer only as a virtual sphere of sociality, but increasingly as a technological interface that structures our embodied experiences. What is presented in an "exhibition"? And how should we write about the new types of post-digital images we are seeing (in them)?
In Passing Images: Art in the Post-Digital Age, Marie France Rafael provides an attempt to write with art, rather than just about it. Rafael aims to retrace the living spirit of art and the procedural-performative experience of art in her writing.

Marie-France Rafael (born 19984 in Munich) is a tenure-track professor in the Department of Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). She holds a PhD in art history; she studied art history and film studies in Berlin and Paris. From 2011 to 2015, she was a research associate at the Free University of Berlin and until 2019 at the Muthesius University Kiel, Department of Spatial Strategies/Curatorial Spaces. She is notably the author of Reisen im Imaginativ: Künstlerische Situationen und Displays (Travel in the Imaginary: Artistic Situations and Displays, 2017) and Ari Benjamin Meyers: Music on Display (2016).

Marie-France Rafael
Passing Images. Art in the Post-Digital Age
Floating Opera Press, 2022, 978-3-9823894-2-4
16,00 €