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A Portrait of the Artist as a Researcher

The Academy and the Bologna Process

Das belgische Magazin “AS - A visual culture quarterly” präsentiert mit Sabeth Buchmann, Dieter Lesage, Ina Wudtke und Ulf Wuggenig: Dieter Lesage & Kathrin Busch (Hgg.): “A Portrait of the Artist as a Researcher. The Academy and the Bologna Process”. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann (Professorin an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien), Dr. Dieter Lesage, (Professor am Department for Audiovisual & Performing Arts Rits Brüssel), und Dr. Ulf Wuggenig (Direktor des Institut für Kulturtheorie der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) führen in der europäische Debatte über ‘künstlerische Forschung’ ein. Ina Wudtke (Künstlerin, DJ, und Herausgeberin von NEID Magazina) zeigt ihren Film A Portrait of the Artist as a Worker (rmx.).
“One of the most important maxims accompanying the various national and regional implementations of the Bologna Process is the idea that teaching in higher education should be based on research. As a logical consequence of this ‘research maxim’, in higher arts education too, teaching in the arts should be based on research. As an interpretation of this logical consequence of the research maxim, institutions of higher arts education have put forward the idea that teaching in higher arts education should be based on artistic research. With the growing formation of a discourse on artistic research, the universities, who claim a monopoly on the definition of research, were confronted with an attack on their hegemony in research matters. More precisely, the attack on the university’s hegemony in research matters is an attack on the internal hegemony of the natural sciences within the university.” [Dieter Lesage, ‘Who’s Afraid of Artistic Research?’ in: A Portrait of the Artist as a Researcher, pp. 86-87]
AS ist eine Publikation des Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (MuHKA), Belgien. AS#179 wurde unterstützt von der Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. (Hamburg), der Universitätsgesellschaft Lüneburg e.V., und dem Institute for Drama and Audiovisual Arts of the department Rits (Erasmushogeschool Brussel), research project Re:RESEARCH (2006-2008).
Dieter Lesage & Kathrin Busch (Hgg.), A Portrait of the Artist as a Researcher. The Academy and the Bologna Process, Antwerp, MuHKA, 2007, 152 pp., ISSN 07735855, 8 € mit Beiträgen von Herman Asselberghs, Elke Bippus, Sabeth Buchmann, Kathrin Busch, Hans-Christian Dany, Jan De Pauw, Diedrich Diederichsen, Stephan Dillemuth, Mika Hannula, Dieter Lesage, Eva Meyer, Marion von Osten, Eran Schaerf, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Klaas Tindemans, Beatrice von Bismarck, Ina Wudtke & Ulf Wuggenig.
Dieter Lesage, A Portrait of the Artist as a DJ. Notes on Ina Wudtke, Brussels, VdH Books, 2007, 64 pp. ISBN 978-90-888-1002-2, 20 €
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