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  • Raffaele Pernice (Hg)

    The Urbanism of Metabolism. Visions, Scenarios and Models…

  • Jule Govrin

    Politische Körper. Von Sorge und Solidarität

  • Alice Rawsthorn, Paola Antonelli

    Design Emergency: Building a Better Future

  • Carlotta Zucchini (Ed.)

    Rizoma Architetture. Togetherness

  • Robert Stürzl

    Hans-Walter Müller und das lebendige Haus

  • Kenny Cupers, Sophie Oldfield, Manuel…

    What Is Critical Urbanism? Urban Research as Pedagogy

  • Geert Lovink

    Stuck on the Platform. Reclaiming the Internet

  • Friedrich von Borries, Jens-Uwe Fischer

    Gefangen in der Titotalitätsmaschine. Der Bauhäusler Franz…

  • Philipp Meuser (Hg.)

    Vom seriellen Plattenbau zur komplexen Großsiedlung.…

  • Stefan Maneval, Jennifer A. Reimer (eds…

    Forms of Migration. Global Perspectives on Im/migrant Art…

  • Winfried Nerdinger, Wilhelm Vossenkuhl…

    Otl Aicher. Designer. Typograf. Denker.

  • Ana Vujanovic, Bojana Cvejic

    Toward a Transindividual Self. A study in social dramaturgy

  • Annette Becker, Stefanie Lampe, Lessano…

    Schön hier. Architektur auf dem Land

  • Domenico Quaranta and Janez Janša (eds.)

    Hyperemployment – Post-work, Online Labour and Automation

  • Bani Brusadin

    The Fog of Systems. Art as Reorientation and Resistance in…

  • Pau Waelder

    You can be a wealthy art collector in the digital age //…

  • Andrew Witt

    Formulations. Architecture, Mathematics, Culture (Writing…

  • Nick Axel, Nikolaus Hirsch, Daniel…

    Accumulation. The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate…

  • Andreas Kemper

    Privatstädte. Labore für einen neuen Manchesterkapitalismus

  • Vogliamo tutto (Hg.)

    Revolutionäre Stadtteilarbeit. Zwischenbilanz einer…

  • Michel Leiris, Irene Albers (eds.)

    Phantom Afrika

  • Jan Herres

    Das Berliner Zimmer. Geschichte, Typologie,…

  • Jonathan Crary

    Scorched Earth. Beyond the Digital Age to a Post-Capitalist…

  • Cary Wolfe

    Art and Posthumanism. Essays, Encounters, Conversations

  • Joanna Zylinska (Hg)

    The Future of Media

  • Matthew Gandy

    Natura Urbana. Ecological Constellations in Urban Space

  • Matthew Wizinsky

    Design after Capitalism. Transforming Design Today for an…

  • Jan De Vylder, Annamaria Prandi / ETH…

    Seven Questions

  • Katja Eydel

    Appointed Habitus Set

  • Yaiza Camps, Moritz Grünke, Pascale…

    Decolonizing Art Book Fairs: Publishing Practices from the…

  • Carla Zaccagnini

    Carla Zaccagnini. Cuentos de Cuentas

  • Beate Söntgen, Julia Voss (Hg.)

    Why Art Criticism? A Reader.

  • Denise Ferreira da Silva

    Unpayable Debt

  • Carol Vernallis, Holly Rogers, Jonathan…

    Cybermedia. Explorations in Science, Sound, and Vision

  • Kathy Acker, McKenzie Wark

    Du hast es mir sehr angetan. E-Mails 1995/96

  • Kirsty Bell

    The Undercurrents. A Story of Berlin

  • Arnold Bartetzky Nicolas, Karpf, Greta…

    Architektur und Städtebau in der DDR. Stimmen und…

  • Timo Feldhaus

    Mary Shelleys Zimmer. Als 1816 ein Vulkan die Welt…

  • Barbara Winckler, Enass Khansa,…

    Thinking Through Ruins. Genealogies, Functions, and…

  • Stanislas Chaillou

    Artificial Intelligence and Architecture. From Research to…

  • Reclaim Your City

    Bitte Lebn. Urbane Kunst & Subkultur in Berlin 2003 -…

  • Claudia Mareis, Moritz Greiner-Petter,…

    Critical by Design? Genealogies, Practices, Positions

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 247. Cohabitation

  • Mark Sealy

    Photography. Race, Rights and Representation

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    These Birds Of Temptation (Intercalations 6)

  • Ioanna Gerakidi & Danae Io

    In the Current of the Situation

  • Ricardo Devesa

    Outdoor Domesticity. On the Relationships between Trees,…

  • Nils Wortmann

    Alles so schön still hier 100 Ambient-Alben, die man gehört…

  • Herbert Haffner

    His Master's Voice. Die Geschichte der Schallplatte.…

  • Markus Müller (Hg)

    Free Music Production. FMP - The Living Music

  • Alexander Opper, Katharina Fink, Nadine…

    Das Bauhaus verfehlen/ Missing the Bauhaus

  • Katharina Fink, Marie-Anne Kohl, Nadine…

    Ghosts, spectres, revenants. Hauntology as a means to think…

  • Christine Schranz (ed.)

    Shifts in Mapping. Maps as a tool of knowledge

  • Finn Dammann, Boris Michel (Hg.)

    Handbuch Kritisches Kartieren

  • Krypto-Kunst Kolja Reichert

    Krypto-Kunst. NFTs und digitales Eigentum (Digitale…

  • Alexander Stumm, Victor Lortie (Hg)

    Überbau. Produktionsverhältnisse der Architektur im…

  • Robin Becker, David Hagen, Livia von…

    Ästhetik nach Adorno. Positionen zur Gegenwartskunst

  • Giovanna Borasi (Hg.)

    A Section of Now. Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for…

  • Boris Groys

    Philosophy of Care

  • Terry Smith

    Curating the Complex and the Open Strike

  • Pedro Neves Marques (ed.)

    YWY, Searching for a Character between Future Worlds Gender…

  • Bassam El Baroni (ed.)

    Between the Material and the Possible. Infrastructural Re-…

  • AA Cavia

    Logiciel. Six Seminars on Computational Reason

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 397. Encountering Books. Art Book Fairs of the World,…

  • Oxana Timofeeva

    Solar Politics (Theory Redux)

  • Dhanveer Singh Brar

    Teklife, Ghettoville, Eski. The Sonic Ecologies of Black…

  • Jeanne van Heeswijk, Maria Hlavajova,…

    Toward the Not-Yet. Art as Public Practice

  • Karin Harrasser


  • Chase Galis, Christina Moushoul, Sonia…

    Party Planner, Vol. 1, Party Favor

  • Oli Freke

    Synthesizer Evolution: From Analogue to Digital and Back

  • Felix Pfeiffer-Kloss (Hg)

    Berlin U-Bahn Architecture & Design Map. Berliner U-…

  • Alvin Lucier

    Eight Lectures on Experimental Music

  • Derek Lamberton (Hg.)

    Brutalismus Stadtplan Berlin. Brutalist Berlin Map

  • Daniel Strassberg

    Spektakuläre Maschinen. Eine Affektgeschichte der Technik

  • Laurie Penny

    Sexuelle Revolution. Rechter Backlash und feministische…

  • bell hooks

    Männer, Männlichkeit und Liebe

  • Angela Million, Christian Haid, Ignacio…

    Spatial Transformations. Kaleidoscopic Perspectives on the…

  • Saidiya Hartman

    Diese bittere Erde (ist womöglich nicht, was sie scheint)

  • Simone Forti

    Simone Forti. Handbook in Motion. An Account of an Ongoing…

  • Paul Dobraszcyk

    Architecture and Anarchism. Building without Authority

  • Elke Genzel, Pamela Voigt

    BUCH ZWEI. Leben in Kunststoffbauten

  • Marie-Luise Angerer

    Nichtbewusst. Affektive Kurzschlüsse zwischen Psyche und…

  • Martin Eberle

    Hi Schatz!

  • Ernesto Laclau

    Die populistische Vernunft

  • Desiree Förster

    Aesthetic Experience of Metabolic Processes

  • Brandon LaBelle

    Dreamtime X

  • Israel Martínez

    Dead People Whispering to Us

  • Rodrigo Karmy Bolton

    The Future Is Inherited: Fragments of a Chile in Revolt

  • Ina Wudtke

    Worker Writers / Arbeiterschriftsteller:innen

  • Ekaterina Degot, David Riff, Jan Sowa (…

    Perverse decolonisation? (Deutsche Ausg.)

  • The Otolith Group, Megs Morley (Hg)

    Xenogenesis. The Otolith Group (Anjalika Sagar, Kodwo Eshun)

  • Karin Krauthausen, Rebekka Ladewig (Hg.)

    Modell Hütte. Von emergenten Strukturen, schützender Haut…

  • Edited by Michèle Leloup, Cyrille…

    The Wood That Makes Our City

  • Lars Henrik Gass (Hg.)

    Hellmuth Costard. Das Wirkliche war zum Modell geworden

  • Peter Swinnen, Nikolaus Hirsch

    A.J. Lode Janssens 1,47 mbar

  • Juliane Rebentisch

    Der Streit um Pluralität. Auseinandersetzungen mit Hannah…

  • Helke Sander

    I like chaos, but I don’t know, whether chaos likes me

  • Viction Workshop (Hg.)

    More Is More: Designing Bigger, Bolder, Brighter

Cover Technocapitalism.

Technocapitalism. The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good

A fascinating look at how the Space Barons and Techtitans—heads of companies like Uber, Amazon, Tesla—have hijacked technology, preventing it from being used on behalf of the common good and profiting from the politics of fear and consumerism.

The respected Italian economist and journalist offers a bold and provocative argument that the speed of technological transformation is threatening our future

At the dawn of the digital revolution, the internet was going to be the great equalizer, a global democratic force. Instead, with the money printed electronically to bail out banks, Wall Street ended up funding a new breed of serial capitalists, the Techtitans, who embraced rapid, transformational change while stripping their workers of rights and enriching themselves beyond anybody’s wildest imagination; and the Space Barons, who mine new frontiers for precious resources. Then came the gig-economy, another supposed digital equalizer, where everybody was his or her own boss, but it was just another illusion.

Tech pioneers like Google, Facebook, Apple, Uber, and Microsoft never had any intention of spreading democracy. Those who control and own the technology are the absolute masters. As artificial intelligence enters the labor market, companies like Uber are able to cut labor costs to the barest of minimums, by squeezing workers’ privileges and rights.

In Technocapitalism, Napoleoni describes these phenomena as the genesis of a new paradigm, born in a period of extraordinary change in which the acceleration of transformational change has caused a dizzying, anxiety-induced paralysis from the FTX collapse to AI, private space companies to the war in Ukraine, from inflation to the dirty environmental truth of EV car batteries. Technological transformation is occurring at a speed that is existentially unbearable for most of us. We must fight for our common good to address today’s real challenges of global warming and militarism and the soulessness of capitalist endeavor. Napoleoni shows us how.

Loretta Napoleoni
Technocapitalism. The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good
Seven Stories Press, 2024, 9781911710097
21,90 €