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The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Two

Book Launch & Talk with Matteo Pasquinelli, Warren Neidich, Patricia Reed and Liss C. Werner

Matteo Pasquinelli, Warren Neidich, Patricia Reed and Liss C. Werner will be present to discuss the book and its broader social, political, economic and psychological implications.
We are currently transitioning from an economic system dominated by artisanal and industrial production to one ruled by information with its emphasis on communication, affect and cognition. Not without controversy, the term cognitive capitalism has been coined to describe these new sets of conditions. The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Two continues to investigate, quite intensely, such topics as abstract and immaterial labor, informational capital, real and formal subsumption and the social production of surplus value. This volume will begin to give new meaning to the word cognitive, understanding its materialist connotations set in an extended field in which world, brain and mind form an interconnected complex assemblage. Furthermore it employs a developmental point of view utilizing such terms as neural plasticity and epigenesis, in order to understand how cognitive capitalism first establishes dominion over distributions of sensibility and insensibility and then acting as a neuro-modulating force directs the building of the brains neural network architectures which has implications for the freedom of thought and contemplation. In the end this book questions whether 19th century concepts, forms of collectivity and calls to action are up to the task of mounting a formidable challenge to these new normalizing and subsuming apparatuses. Its aim is to formulate a new glossary of terms upon which to build a cognitive activism and dissensus to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
WARREN NEIDICH is a Berlin and Los Angeles based post-conceptual artist and theorist. He is recipient of two The Fulbright Specialist Program Awards first in 2011 and then again in 2013. In 2010 he received the Vilem Flusser Theory Award. His art works have been exhibited internationally at such institutions as The Whitney Museum of American Art, PS1, MOMA, The Walker Art Center, Museum Ludwig, The ICA London and Townhouse Gallery, Cairo. Dr. Neidich is the author of Blow-up: Photography, Cinema and the Brain (DAP, 2002) Cognitive Architecture: From Biopolitics to Noo-Politics (010 Publishers, 2009) The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part One (Archive Books, 2013). His Resistance is Fertile is forthcoming in 2014 published by Merve Verlag, Berlin.
Matteo Pasquinelli (MA, Bologna; PhD, London) is a philosopher. He wrote the book Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons (2008) and edited the anthology Gli algoritmi del capitale (2014). He lectures frequently at the intersection of political philosophy, media theory and cognitive sciences. His texts have been translated in many languages and he has contributed to academic and non-academic journals and newspapers such as Springerin, Multitudes, Fibreculture, Theory Culture & Society, Leonardo, Lugar Comum, Rethinking Marxism, e-flux, Open!, DIS magazine, Libération, Il manifesto, Der Freitag. Together with Wietske Maas he wrote the Manifesto of Urban Cannibalism. In 2014 at NGBK Berlin he co-curated the exhibition The Ultimate Capital is the Sun.
PATRICIA REED is an artist and writer. Her exhibitions include those at: Witte de With; Haus der Kulturen der Welt; Kunsthaus Langenthal; Botkyrka Konsthall; 0047 Projects; Audain Gallery; Württembergischer Kunstverein; and Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. As a writer, Reed has contributed essays to numerous publications including: Mould, Fillip, Art Papers, Cognitive Architecture, Intangible Economies, #Accelerate. Lectures include those at Tate Britain; University of Westminster; Archive Kabinett; Artists Space; Art Berlin Contemporary; Winter School Middle East, Kuwait She is host of the Inclinations lecture-series at Or Gallery Berlin, and is a board member of The New Centre for Research & Practice.
LISS C. WERNER is a licensed architect based in Berlin, founder of Tactile Architecture – office für Systemarchitektur, and editor of [En]Coding Architecture – the book. She is Adj. Assoc. Professor at Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur, Adj. Professor at DIA, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and George N. Pauly Fellow 2012, CMU where she chaired the conference [En]Coding Architecture. Werner practiced in the UK, Russia, Germany, lectured internationally at MIT, CalArts, USC, Texas Tech University, The Bartlett, TU Berlin, Syracuse, Nottingham, Linz, Tongji, ESARQ Barcelona, Venice Biennale 2012. Her research focuses on cybernetics+architecture and the discourse of computational architecture towards a relational focused discipline. Werner chaired Architectural Ecologies in Vienna (publication 2015). She holds a Master and Diploma of Architecture from the Bartlett. Further she studied at University of Westminster, RMIT and Humboldt University where she is a Dr. Phil (A.B.D.) researcher.

Warren Neidich (Ed)
The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Two
Archive Books 2014
by Ina Blom, Arne De Boever, Pascal Gielen, Sanford Kwinter, Maurizio Lazzarato, Karl Lydén, Yann Moulier Boutang, Warren Neidich, Matteo Pasquinelli, Alexei Penzin, Patricia Reed, John Roberts, Liss C. Werner, Charles T. Wolfe