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Investigations into Graphic Design and Other Forms of Publicity

A Talk by Zak Kyes with Matthew Evans

Zak Kyes will present three Investigations into Graphic Design and Other Forms of Publicity followed by a conversation with Matthew Evans. Through his specific and local practice this talk will focus on investigations that explore the multiple identities of contemporary graphic design: the editorial production of the AA Print Studio, first established in 1971 by Denis Crompton of Archigram; the publishing initiative Bedford Press; and the curatorial project Forms of Inquiry: The Architecture of Critical Graphic Design, an exhibition presenting a group of international graphic designers who base their work in critical investigation. Forms of Inquiry travelled to five institutions after originating in London in 2007 and related publications include Forms of Inquiry (AA Publications, 2007), Forms of Inquiry Annex (Bedford Press, 2009) and FOI Reader (Iaspis/Sternberg Press, 2010).
Bedford Press will be launching Forms of Inquiry Annex at Pro qm and at "Unter dem Motto", a one day publishing fair in Berlin on September 5th 2009.
Zak Kyes is a Swiss-American graphic designer based in London whose practice encompasses editing, publishing and curatorial projects. His work engages with publications and their dissemination as sites for debate and exchange rather than mere documentation. He joined the Architectural Association as Art Director in September 2006 and has curated the touring exhibition Forms of Inquiry: The Architecture of Critical Graphic Design (2007-09) and co-edited the accompanying publication (with Mark Owens, 2007). At the Architectural Association he founded the private press Bedford Press.